My anger began to dissipate as I saw the sincerity in her apology. Lucille's words carried the weight of genuine remorse, and it was clear that she hadn't intended to keep such a significant secret from us.

"But... Lorenzo told Mattheo?" Lucille continued, her tone growing tense. "He told me not to tell anyone, He told me that it was 'our little secret'."

The shock of the revelations was palpable in the room, and it was clear that we couldn't let this situation fester any longer. Onyx, fueled by anger, was the first to react.

"Lorenzo, you fucking manslag!" Onyx exclaimed, her voice filled with fury. She rose from her bed, determination etched on her face as she strode toward the door.

Lucille, sensing the gravity of the moment, questioned, "Where are you going?"

"To sort some things out," Onyx replied, her gaze unwavering.

"I'm coming too," I declared, realizing that we needed to confront the situation together.

"We're all going," Lucille asserted, her resolve matching ours. The unity among us was unwavering as we prepared to address the tangled web of secrets and emotions that had been unveiled.

As a group of three, we walked to Lorenzo's dorm, the anticipation weighing heavy on our minds. As we arrived, we knocked on the door with a sense of urgency, knowing that this confrontation was long overdue.

The door swung open to reveal Lorenzo. Did he get more attractive from the last time I saw him? I couldn't help but think, even in the midst of this tense moment.

Lorenzo's expression hardened as he kissed his teeth. "Ahh, Sinclair. What do you want?" His voice was laced with irritation, and it was clear he wasn't thrilled about our unexpected visit.

Before I could say anything, Lucille stepped forward, her voice dripping with frustration. "You told me not to tell anybody. Anybody. That's we had ... whatever we had. But you get to tell Mattheo? Make that make sense, Lorenzo." Her words came out like a sharp rebuke, reflecting the hurt and betrayal she felt.

Lorenzo's eyes darted between us, and for a moment, he seemed caught off guard. The silence in the room grew palpable as we waited for his response, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife. The truth, whatever it was, hung in the air, demanding to be addressed.

Lorenzo's face contorted in shock as he stammered, "Wha- What are you on about?" His eyes widened, and his confusion was evident. It was clear that he hadn't anticipated this confrontation.

Just then, a voice, dripping with contempt, scoffed from behind Lorenzo. Draco Malfoy, with his signature air of superiority, approached the door. His features were twisted in a mixture of disgust and anger as he added fuel to the fire. "You had sex with mudblood Granger?!" His words were sharp, casting a shadow over the room.

The atmosphere grew even more charged, as Lorenzo now had to contend not only with us but with Draco's unexpected presence. The dorm room felt like a battlefield of emotions, each word and revelation striking like a verbal duel, and the tension in the air threatened to ignite into something far more explosive.

"Yes, yes he did!" Lucille's voice rang out with unwavering conviction. Her eyes were fixed on Lorenzo, challenging him to deny the undeniable.

𝘚𝘛𝘈𝘙𝘎𝘐𝘙𝘓, 𝙇𝙊𝙍𝙀𝙉𝙕𝙊 𝘽𝙀𝙍𝙆𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙍𝙀Where stories live. Discover now