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Ava made her way toward her bag and grabbed the keys to Roosters Bronco. Rooster was taking the motorcycle today.
While away on their honeymoon, to England, Ava's father had done something behind their back. Her father had traded her scooter and got her a new motorcycle. So, when Ava and Rooster returned, she was shocked by the gift that waited for them inside the garage. "It's the least I can do since I didn't buy you two newlyweds a gift," her father had told her. Ava would have tried to argue with her father about it, but as soon as Rooster saw it, he choked with excitement. "Damn, she is a beauty pop!" He hugged Beau in the process, making it hard for Ava not to break into a laugh. The awkwardness her father carried in his facial expressions made it even more memorable. Ava did not need a gift from her Papi. But Rooter loved that thing.
"I'll see you at 2. "Ava called out to him as she made her way toward the front door.
"Drive safe baby," he called out as he taped the drain from under the sink. He would have to get a plumber for this. But first, Rooster had to get ready to go pick up an order. Rooster heard the sound of his Bronco start. He got on his feet and went to grab a black t-shirt.
It had been a couple of months now since they married. Life had settled down for them in their new home. Well, Roosters' childhood home. But it was theirs. The house was a four bedroom, with two bathrooms, and a walk-in laundry room. The kitchen was Avas' favorite, but her spot was the nook Rooster had built in for her to overlook to the garden in the back. Everything had been upgraded to their liking and the bedroom that use to be his parents was now Roosters office he had made the room smaller and had their king-size room moved over toward the back so they couldn't hear the cars driving by only the birds. Their bedroom was on the opposite side of the house, but nonetheless, it too faced the backyard. Their home had become their sanctuary. Late night pancakes, sleep in all day, while wearing pj's and watching t.v while having the back pit grilling their meals. It was the comfy place they always wanted.
Today, Ava had an interview at a company called M's photographers services. This was her shot to become a freelance photographer, and her application had been accepted. She had been waiting for a month for this or so to speak, even longer it was just now time to get started. When Ava arrived at the parking lot, she stayed put inside the bronco. She took a deep breath. She would not lie to herself she was nervous and scared, but this was what she had been waiting for. Ava looked down at her phone as it vibrated on the middle console. It was a text from her papa. "You have this, sweetie," Ava smiled to herself. Her dad had been constant with her, texting her at every given moment, and it made her happy. He hayed texting but did it for her. Ava jumped out of the bronco and took a deep breath. Her dad was right.
Rooster arrived at Skeeters Bakery to pick up the cake Penny had him go get. Today was Maverick's 61st birthday. So, they were celebrating at Hard deck. Excuse me? Miss?" Rooster called to the baker. "Can you add old man? At the top here?" He showed her.
The young lady nodded. "Yeah, sure."   When Rooster arrived at a hard deck, he arrived with a wide grin, his sunglasses on, with the cake on his hands. An older looking lady on the side smiled over at him and then went over to Rooster. "So, I heard you got married,"
Rooster looked over to a familiar voice. "Jenna! Oh, what! hey, how's it going?" he placed the cake on the counter and hugged his mom's sister. "Aunt Jenna," he pulled away from her small frame. "I had reached out..." Rooster mentioned.
"It's okay, kiddo, my job is just crazy, I'm sorry I missed it," she cupped his face, her face nearly as similar to his moms. Rooster's chest ached. "Yeah..." his voice was horse. But he didn't want to ruin such a reunion. Rooster smiled and pulled his aunt in again and kissed her head. "Ah, I missed you!" he shook her smiling.
"I missed you too," she cupped his handsome face and grinned. "Nice tan,"
Rooster chuckled. If only she knew he wasn't trying to go for one. He spent to kich time outside. Work duties.
"Say," Aunt Jenna said, turning slowly. "Who's that?" Her wide eyes averted toward...his father in-law.
"That's uh, Admiral Beau Simpson," he said quickly. "He uh..." Rooster cleared his throat.
"Oh, spit it out!" his aunt slapped his back.
Rooster sighted. "That's my father-in-law, Aunt Jenna," he said it simply. "But... he is single," Rooster informed her. A teasingly grin moved up his lips.
"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" Rooster did as he was told. "Yes, Ma'am." Rooster made his way toward Beau. "Hey Beau, this is my Aunt Jenna, my mom's sister,"
"A pleasure," the blonde smiled.
Beau looked to Rooster then to Jenna. "A pleasure ma'am," he eyed her, his face remotely serious. His tone was loud and firm.
"You look like you don't talk much," Aunt Jenna pointed.
Rooster closed his eyes with embarrassment, "Beau..." he was about to apologize.
"I talk," Beau answered. "But I can see you look like the kind that loves to,"
Rooster pursed his lips tight. It was to keep his jaw from dropping, then he chuckled. He couldn't help it.
"Hey, sweetie, "Penny walked in.
Thank God. Rooster thought. "Hey, Penny, meet my Aunt Jenna,"
"Oh, hi," Penny greeted with a smile. Her beautiful green eyes filled with joy. It was nice to finally meet someone who loved Rooster just as much as they did.
"Hi, there," Jenna smiled.
"We're sorry you didn't make it to the wedding, but I actually have a couple of pictures we took here in my office,"
"Oh, I would love to see those," Jenna agreed.
"Well, talk later, kiddo," She looked over to Rooster. "I want to hear all about the wedding and possibly neices and nephews... in the making," she winked.
Penny couldn't help but laugh. Rooster glanced over at her.
Penny cleared her throat. Jenna had no stop button.
"Alright, calm down. we just said our I do's, Aunt Jenna," Rooster informed her.
"Right this way," Penny led the way to her office.

Rooster Top Gun A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now