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A few days after the mission. Rooster and Ava decided to go pay Maverick a visit.
Entering the old hanger, Ava and Rooster looked to the old plane Maverick had been working on. It was the first thing that caught anyone's eyes really.
"Wow," Ava breathed, taking in the small plane.
"She's beautiful," Rooster agreed with amazement.
Ava didn't have to ask. She knew what type of plane it was.
It was a P-51, and on it-it read Mustang.
"Isn't she?" Maverick agreed with a big proud smile. He had been working really hard to restore it to its natural beauty. He crossed his arms against his chest while he and Rooster stared at it.
"What have you done to the plane so far?" Rooster asked. "Ava can help she knows a lot more about these babies than anyone I know,"
Ava laughed. She did. That was just another story. "You're just being modest,"
"Shiit! Baby, you know it's true,"
Ava walked around the plane, looking at it for a moment or two. She pictured Rooster taking her out for a spin. It would be a different experience, one, she had in the past with her uncle. Ava swore she'd do it again. It wasn't the same as going on an economic plane. It was just different.
It felt warm and relaxing in the hanger.
While Ava walked around. She made her way to memorabilia on the wall, which had caught her eyes. In the back, she could hear Rooster and Maverick talking about Mustang. But Ava paid no attention she held her eyes on the pictures, all kinds, of Maverick, with family. It was then that Ava realized what she was looking at and who. In the picture, Ava stared at a little boy who had eyes like Rooster, and in that picture, his parents carried him. Ava had only seen one picture of them, that was until now. In awe, she scanned each one, taking in the life rooster had as a child. He never really said much, and it was until that night that they had spoken that it would change from now on.
"That's...them," Ava whispered. She felt a string of twinkling emotions creep up on her chest. She stared at them for the longest minute. She had obviously never given the honor to meet them. But as she stared at the picture. She whispered softly. "I love your son so much... I hope you two know that." her chest filled with warmth. She hoped they heard her. She believed in higher powers.
Maverick had given Rooster the wrench to fix a bolt on the plane when he saw Ava starting at the wall, Maverick made his way over to her.
"Nothing but faint memories," Maverick told her. He looked at the pictures sentimentally and cleared his throat.
"You have the best memories, and those count for something," Ava tried to make him feel better. "Now you can create new memories with Rooster,"
Maverick grinned softly. He turned to see Rooster only to see a familiar set of hair, slightly confused by it, Maverick looked on. Maverick had gone to go look for Penny after the mission. But Penny wasn't there. So, he went back, and Ava and Rooster went with him for the time being.
When Amelia smiled over at him. She gestured with her head slowly to look to his right.
Maverick's heart leaped the moment he saw Penny leaning next to her 1973 Porsche 911 S.
God, she was beautiful. The sun hit her hair perfectly, giving her a golden glow.
Ava smiled over at Rooster before going over toward Amelia. "Come on,"
While doing so, Rooster looked to the wall. He smiled warmly at the pictures, feeling a pinch of pain, but the good outweighed the sorrow. Rooster touched his dad's photo. "Thanks, dad."
That evening, after Maverick returned with Penny. They all decided to go get something to eat. Ava recalled this diner from one of the pictures.
Rooster grinned softly and took her hand. "Come on," he told her. "This was my parents' favorite place... this is where my dad proposed to my mom," Ava could feel his hand pressing playfully on her fingers. When they walked in, Rooster felt a string of nostalgic memories pull at him.
Maverick felt the same way. He turned to Rooster, and both looked to one another before going to the piano.
"What was my father like?" Rooster had no more beef with Maverick. In fact, he respected him after everything both men had gone through. They now had an understanding of where they both stood. And maverick wasn't going to stand far. They both had a promise.
Maverick was caught off guard by the question. He looked to Rooster, with a side eye. Maverick said. "Uh, I could have sworn your mom probably told you more about him... then I ever could," Maverick looked over at him.
"I'm tired of hearing stories I want... to know who he was... I guess I've been chasing ghosts," Rooster mouthed. "My mom." he breathed. "Hated this life after my dad died," Rooster didn't look at Maverick on the last part. He didn't blame him anymore, but he knew that Maverick would somehow carry that with him forever. Rooster had forgiven him, assuring him that it was anger and pain that had caused such hatred. It would take a while for Maverick to fully accept it.
Rooster knew Maverick had let go of his dad's badges long ago, and now Rooster was hoping that Maverick could now live free of the guilt he knew he shouldn't have carried. But that just came to show what men carry on their own.
"He was your father..." Maverick grinned over to his best friend's son.
"He was my best friend," Maverick told Rooster. "Your dad...if want to picture him...picture him like you and me right now, enjoying the summer breeze, smiling over at your mom like you smile over at Ava...picture him scared shitless when he proposed to your mom... here," he said. Gazing around the old joint. Gosh, nothing had changed. Except only time. Rooster looked down at the piano, and then he pulled out the picture he had taken from Maverick.
"I didn't think you would mind?"
Maverick stared at the picture of Goose, Carol, and him singing with Rooster on this very exact spot.
"It's yours," Maverick smiled warmly.
"Ava, baby," Rooster called her over. As Ava made her way.
Rooster began. "I would like for you to do something for me." He told Maverick.
"Anything kid."
The next morning, Ava circled around in the blanket and watched as Rooster slept. Ava had taken her camera with her last night during dinner, so she wanted to go over the photos. When Rooster and Maverick walked toward the diner, she took a picture. When both men walked toward the piano, Ava got another amazing shot. But watching Rooster sleep, Ava wanted to go take pictures of the hanger. She slowly tried to get up but as Ava cupped his face, she traced the lines of his scars like she always did when they laid next to one another.
Rooster had slowly awoken from her touch, and though he kept his eyes closed, he pulled Ava closer. Ava realized then that he wasn't going to get up anytime soon, so she decided to try to crawl her way out of his arms to go do what she wanted. she shouldn't have done that. But Rooster wouldn't budge.
"Stay in with me," his voice was as deep and husky as it got when he was waking up. They had stayed at Maverick RV in the hanger.
Ava waited for him to open his eyes. He did.
"Good morning, Mr. Bradshaw," she whispered.
"Hmm," his lips curled into a satisfying grin. "And in just a few weeks, you'll be Mrs. Bradshaw," he murmured.
Ava smiled to that thought now. "I love the sound of that,"
"You have no idea how much I do, too." He kissed her on the top of her head. "What do you want to eat?" She asked him now.
"You," he breathed now.
"Rooster, no," Ava said she had just put on her t-shirt earlier.
Rooster playfully rolled over her but held his weight on his arms. "I want you for breakfast," he breathed down to her ears. Slowly, his tongue trailing softly down her neck to her collar bone.
Ava gasped softly.
Rooster knew he had won.
"So, are you ready?" Rooster asked Ava.
Ava grinned. "Yes,"
"Good," he helped Ava up into the back of the plane and then strapped her in. Ava laughed. "Rooster, I know how to strap myself in,"
Rooster was only trying to keep her safe. "I know, but this is big for me, I'm going to take my future wife into the air. You can't tell me it doesn't get any sentimental, then that,"
Rooster had already popped the hanger open and had checked the engine, it was for safety purposes. "Alright, does your comms work?" Rooster spoke through it.
"Yes," Ava nodded.
"Let's fly," Rooster started the plane, and Mustang couldn't have sounded more beautifully. The sound of the plane speeding up, the feel of the engine roaring, and most importantly, the pilot who was flying it.
Once in the air, Ava gasped at the sight of the ground below. To use the word magical would mean to little. It was heaven, Mustang softly soar through the sky, passing each cloud at arm's reach. Giving Ava the compelling urge to stick her arms out and touch the fluffy essence. If she could, she would. Ava laughed now.
"What do you think, baby?" Rooster asked her.
"It's...incredible!" Ava couldn't hide her excitement and the unbelievable moment she was sharing with Rooster.
"Look at the clouds ahead." Rooster mentioned.
Ava looked ahead and saw how the clouds parted open for them. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It brough back memories. Flying swiftly, Rooster did some rolls. "Is this the best wedding gift ever or what?"
"The best," Ava agreed.
That afternoon, after Rooster dropped Ava off at her dads, Admiral Simpson stepped outside.
"Mr. Bradshaw," he greeted. "Sweetie," he looked to Ava.
"Papi," she mouthed.
"I made green spaghetti. Why don't you get some for Rooster,"
Ava nodded but not before eyeing both men and then went inside. Green spaghetti was Roosters' favorite, so Ava tasted it before getting a bowl to fill it out. She watched through the kitchen window as her father spoke with Rooster.
"She gets it from me..." Admiral Simpson said, taking Rooster by surprise.
"Too much butter with toast," Admiral Simpson told him.
Rooster caught on. "Oh, it's really good she ugh made some this morning," he grinned now.
"Make sure you get her the light butter. It will help her in the long run," Admiral pointed.
"Thanks for the pointers," Rooster chuckled. If this was Admiral trying to make small talk with him. Rooster would take it. It was a start.

Rooster Top Gun A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now