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Hangman was having a get-together at his place. Everyone was invited. In the far corner, away from the dancing, the music, and under the string of twinkling outdoor lights, Rooster sat simply on a wooden chair.
He took a sip of his lemonade. Listening to the music as Bob danced with a blonde and Hangman filled cups with tea or lemonade. Nat laughed as he mixed them by accident.
"Yo Rooster, wanna play ping pong?" Coyote called out.
The men had agreed to let loose. They took this as a way to stop themselves from overthinking tomorrow's mission. It was moments like these that mattered.
Rooster nodded. "Sure, why not? Since I'm waiting for Ava, might as well she'll be awhile,"
Rooster had called Ava to see if she wanted him to pick her up, but Ava told him she would meet him there. She had something to take care of. Rooster told her okay to drive safe and hung up.
Ava changed quickly into light blue jeans, shorts, and a t-shirt she grabbed her handbag and put on her boots. She would meet with her fiance later. Right now, she had something she wanted to do before she tried to enjoy the night, or at least she hoped too.
Ava drove her scooter over to Maverick's place. She had found out where he was staying awhile back. When Ava had to go pick up the bar keys to open up early. Her Aunt Penny had left them there the night prior, so Ava did the favor of going to go pick them up while Aunt Penny met up with her Uncle Jim, who was dropping Amelia off that morning. They had just returned from Hawaii with his second wife.
While driving, Ava thought about this past month. She thought about Rooster, her father, her own choice whether to return back to her photography.But more importantly, she thought about the desperate feel of despair building up in her chest. She didn't want to worry Rooster. That was the last thing Ava wanted to do.
Rooster had to keep his mind clear, but knowing him, he was just as bad as her. Rooster always over thought everything.
When Ava arrived at her destination, she jumped off her scooter and stared at the house. Taking her helmet off, Ava walked up the steps to Maverick's place and knocked on the front door, and waited.
Maverick had been drinking late night coffee when he heard the knock. He was getting ready to go for a jog. Grabbing a shirt from his laundry basket, Maverick placed it over his head and went to go get the door as he pulled it down around his waist. To his suprise, he saw Ava. Though they had talked once or twice, Maverick felt like somewhat a bit of a stranger.
"Hey, Maverick," Ava greeted.
"Hey, Ava," he said, then it dawned on him. Was something wrong? Was Rooster okay? "Is Rooster okay? Is it your Aunt Penny, Amelia??" It actually warmed Ava's heart that he cared this much. But she had to assure him that everyone was alright.
"Everyone is okay," Ava said. Thank God, too. But it kind of bothered Ava for Maverick to think of her visit to be of such. Ava didn't want her to pay a visit to her aunt's boyfriend and her now fiancés, Godfather, in the near future ever to be about something negative.
"I actually came to see you," she explained. "I wanted to talk to someone," her voice held a tone of urgency.
Maverick took a deep breath with relief. He nodded. "Come in," he let her pass. "Want to go take a seat outside? I was enjoying my late night coffee, would you like some?" He offered.
Ava nodded. "Sure,"
Maverick filled a mug up for her. Ava looked around his place. He didn't have much. The walls were plain and simple. He had one one blue couch and one kitchen chair. "Here, you go," he handed her the hot mug. Ava could tell the coffee was freshly brewed. The entire kitchen and living room smelled of it. Yeah, i only stay here. If im too tired to drive to my actaul house," the hanger ge thiught. Maverick guided her to the back porch.
"What can I help you with?" He took a seat, sighting slowly. Ava did the same.
Maverick stared at her for a moment or two.
Ava took a sip of her cup and spit it back out. It was flavorless she liked her coffee with a lot of sugar. Embarrassed, she looked up at him. "Sorry," she apologized.
He laughed. "I have zero sugar inside..."
"No, it's fine," Ava placed the mug on the table they sat near to. Maverick's yard was nice it needed a small trim, but regardless, it was very green.
Taking a sip of his own coffee, Maverick waited for her to say something.
"The mission is tomorrow," Ava finally found her voice.
"It is," Maverick nodded simply.
"Mave," Ava took a steady breath. She didn't know what she was doing here, only that she had to see him. A big part of her hoped that maybe just maybe Mave wouldn't pick Rooster at all for the mission. But could Ava really do such a thing to him? No - No, she couldn't. It was just Ava being Ava. She knew if Rooster would be chosen or not or for whatever reason he was picked for another position, Rooster would do a hell of a job.
"You're worried?"
"Is that bad?" She whispered, gazing up at him.
"No," he shook his head. "It's okay, to be," he pressed his mouth tightly together. Maverick understood why Ava was here now. "You know, I've been doing this for so long I can barely remember what it feels like not to,"
"Really," Ava answered softly. Staring at the bracelet Rooster had given her for her birthday.
"This is why we trained. This is why I couldn't turn my back on my students, let alone on Rooster," Maverick assured her. His eyes held a hint of emotion.
"I know lately things have been so unfair to you, Rooster, my dad, your loss of a dear friend..."
"No, don't," Maverick stopped her. "What your father does has nothing to do with you, and the same goes for Rooster and I we leave you out of this,"
Ava let out a small sight. She covered her face. "I don't think we'll be able to sleep tonight, will we?" Ava turned to face Maverick.
"No," Maverick said simply. "But you underestimate us,"
"Never," Ava said. "Just promise me, you won't let anything happen to them,"
Maverick nodded. "I promise." He told her.
Ava knew this was too much to ask for. But she was counting on Maverick, and most importantly, she was counting on every one of her friends to return safely. That's all she ever wanted.
"Thanks, Maverick,"
Maverick got his feet to show her out, but Ava took him by suprise. She hugged him. "Please, bring him back."
After the drive home, Ava found Rooster sitting at the front of the steps of her dad's house.
"Hey," he breathed.
"Hi," she greeted. "I thought you were going to meet me at Jake's I was going to drop my dad some food off," she showed him the bag of green beans logo she had ordered a grilled fish salad with greens and lime juice.
Rooster got on his feet. "Your father let me in, but I told him I'd wait for you out here,"
Ava nodded slowly. She couldn't find her voice for a moment. "Why didn't you call me?" She asked afterward. "Is everything okay...?"
"I just got here not too long ago," Rooster told her. He couldn't pretend to enjoy his evening with friends when all he thought about was making sure he'd have them home afterward. They were counting on him.
The tension was already drawing down on them. "I wanted to come see you before I took off to base," he took her hand. And took the bag of food and placed it on the front porch.
Ava held on to his hand. Both twining there fingers between the others. Each stared deeply into the others' eyes, as time between them simply became still. Not one spoke a word, and then Rooster pulled her in gently. He wanted to hold her, to feel her body against his, to smell the perfume of coconuts coming off her hair. Ava closed her eyes as she felt the feel of his hard chest, listening to the sound of his ravaging heart. She took in the smell of his cologne. Then Ava pulled away, her eyes already tearing up. "Come back home to me, Bradly Bradshaw,"
Rooster nodded. "I promise Ava Simpson, I don't expect to let you down,"
Ava closed her eyes now. She circled her arms around his neck, tiptoeing to reach him. Rooster leaned forward and closed his eyes. "I love you,"
"I love you," Ava whispered as Rooster lifted her chin up, leaned in, and kissed her on the lips.
After Rooster left, Ava closed the door behind her and found her father sitting on his old green armchair. "Hey, sweetheart..." But before he could go on, he turned to see Ava had been crying.
"Ava," he got on his feet. "I told Bradshaw to come in he didn't want to..."
"It's not that,"
"Oh," Beau said, then it hit him. He didn't have to ask. He knew very well, so he held her, and he let her cry it out.
The next morning, Ava had little to no sleep she had woken up when she heard her father getting ready to leave. Then she felt stupid. Because she had cried. Rooster hadn't seen her do it. Thank goodness, too. She had reached the door before she had her emotional breakdown. But now the day was here. Ava wasn't going to stay behind. She awoke with string emotions, and she dressed into a yellow light dress Roosters favorite color on her and pulled her denim jacket over her arms. She looked at her bracelet and ring, which she wore on the same hand, and closed her eyes.
When they arrived at base, Ava looked over at her dad.
"Listen, you can't come with me... but I'm making an exception," her dad said. "You can stay at the main office when we land. The control room is off limits, you understand me?"
"Yes," Ava nodded.
"You won't hear a word or know anything until I give it," Beau watched her closely as he explained this. He wanted to see if this could change her mind. It didn't.
"I got you. I'm ready when you are."

Rooster Top Gun A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now