The group played the song and it was able to distract the gator from his negative thoughts. Anytime he played, it was able to sooth him like some sort of medicine. However, just like medicine, the effects end just like the song they played. Once it was over, Monty felt more relaxed and confident things were going to turn out well. "You played well but not as well as me," Bonnie jokingly said. Monty scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Sure, whatever helps ya sleep at night," he responded. Freddy interjected with a unreasonably large smile on his face, "You both played well! as well as Foxy, amazing as always guys." Monty smiled and also complemented the bear in return, "Don't sell yourself short, you did good too." Foxy nodded his head in agreement and Bonnie spoke up "Yeah, you did amazing my bear." Freddy blushed at all the attention and thanked them.

Monty nodded and his mind wondered back to Chica and Roxy. "When did Chica say they would be back?" The gator asked with curiosity. Foxy quietly murmured "8PM." He thanked the fox and checked the time on his phone, it read '6PM.' They had a while until the two came back so they continued practicing. Monty focused on his own song this time, he had managed to get some lyrics down for it. Most of the lyrics explained the life of a child who struggled to make friends but in the end, he managed to make some friends and they stayed together until the end of their life. Monty doesn't know if they would catch on that the song was about him and they were the friends but he hoped they did, he wanted them to know how much they meant to him. However, the gator wasn't much of a songwriter so he would ask Freddy about it later.

Eventually, the same man from Monday came and told them to pack up and leave the practice rooms as it was closing time. Monty helped the others put away the borrowed equipment. He brought his own bass to practice this time, it was more convenient and he preferred playing with it. Bonnie also brought his own bass but he wasn't able to get a good look at it. Monty approached the rabbit and asked, "Can I see your bass? Ya said it was customised right?" Bonnie looked at the gator with a smile and handed him his bass. "Be careful with it, I spent a lot of money on it." The rabbit said as Monty took the bass from his hands. He examined the bass and saw the attention to detail on it, the wood was painted the same indigo colour as the rabbit and there were multiple stickers on it. Each of them seemed to represent a member of their band. "Looks really cool man, the stickers are for each band member?" The gator complimented and asked him. The rabbit nodded as he was handed his bass back, "Yeah, I always want them to be with me and the closest thing to me is my bass. I bought it with my own money and it will always mean a lot to me," he explained. Monty smiled and replied, "That's really cool man."

As the two were finishing up their conversation, Freddy and Foxy finished cleaning up and left the practice room alongside the other two. Monty checked the time, '7:50PM.' He told the others about the time and asked "It's 7:50PM Chica and Roxy will be back soon, where do y'all wanna wait for them?" They all discussed where to wait, Foxy mainly staying silent in their discussion. The gator had an idea and proposed, "What 'bout the courtyard, you have to pass there to get to the dormitory so we are bound to see them." Foxy nodded in agreement and Freddy responded "That is a great idea, let's go then!" Bonnie agreed with Freddy and they started walking to the courtyard.

Once they arrived, they sat down on benches that leaned against the railing to a fountain. Monty wanted to sit underneath his tree in the corner however, did not want to give up his private chill spot. He looked at his phone and the time read '7:55PM.' The gator was worried that things weren't going to go well but he pushed it aside and waited patiently. Freddy, Bonnie and Foxy were engaged in conversation as they waited whilst Monty was sat there, fixated on the entrance of the college. Time passed and he checked his phone again, '8:02PM.' Monty groaned and hoped they were just running late because of how much fun they were having. He turned to the other three who were engrossed in conversation. "Do you think everything is okay?" He asked them. Freddy turned to him and gave him a thumbs up, "I am sure everything is good, do not worry. As they say, no news is good news!" The bear said with confidence and a grin on his face.

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