Getting Started

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Monty woke up to a blaring alarm in his ears. Grunting in annoyance, he slowly sat up to the edge of his bed and saw the bear's phone alarm going off but he was not there. He hated getting up earlier than needed but since he was awake, there would be no chance he would be able to go back to sleep. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, he shut off the alarm going off on the other person's phone and checked the time on his own phone. It read '6:00AM.' Monty sat there and pondered on his thoughts 'Where the hell did he go? 'Specially at this time without his phone.' He brushed it aside and decided to get ready for his first day of lectures. As he walked over to the wardrobe, he noticed his dirty clothes missing from the other day. He didn't think much of it and began to get changed.

Monty stripped down to his boxers and threw his clothes on his bed, searching through the shared wardrobe trying to find something to wear. As he was deciding between his options, the door to the room swung open and revealed the missing person. "Good Morni-" Freddy said as he stepped through the door holding clothes in his hands however, stopped himself mid sentence. "Ah I am sorry, I did not know you would be changing," the bear's face burning bright red as he apologised and urgently turned around to face the now closed door. Monty snickered at the bear's reaction, "S'fine. Don't have to act embarrassed, we are going to be roommates after all so may as well get used to it," he explained. Freddy nodded and turned around, looking at the gator with a smile and a slight red flush still present on his face. Monty felt the bear's gaze on him so he turned away from the wardrobe and saw the bear staring at him, "What? Why are ya staring?" he asked. Watching the bear snap out of thought, he replied "O-Oh nothing, You are right. I stepped out to clean your dirty clothes."

Monty watched as he was handed his pair of clothes from yesterday morning. "Thank you but y'know I still have fresh clothes in the wardrobe," he said whilst putting on the outfit. They were sky blue ripped jeans with a plain white t-shirt to go with it. Freddy nodded, "Yeah but I wanted to do something with myself, considering I got up so early. It was the least I could do," he spoke with kindness in his voice. Monty let a small smile creep onto his face and thought, 'What an idiot.' He added his spiky leather bracelets and put on his signature shades. "What are you doing up so early anyway?" Monty asked with curiosity. Freddy explained, "I always get up early! It is good to have a happy start to the day." 'That makes sense, he looks like the type of person to be an early bird,' Monty thought as he closed the wardrobe.

Monty sat down at his desk and opened up his laptop, looking for Moon's contact. He had forgotten to tell him about what happened and it wouldn't be nice to leave him in the dark. Finding his contact, he turned to Freddy and warned him "I'm gonna call somebody from back home." The bear gave a thumbs up as he went into the bathroom. Turning back to the screen, he hit the call button and waited as the sounds of the call were echoing throughout the room. "Helloooooo there!" Monty heard an overexcited voice come from his laptop. The screen revealed none other than Moon's brother, Sun. He let out a silent but irritated sigh. 'He's way too happy 'specially for this time of morning,' Monty thought to himself. It's not like he hated Sun, he was just way too over excited about almost everything and it was just too much for him. Sun was wearing a yellow and orange pants with a yellow top, he loved the colour yellow. Monty forced a small smile and spoke "Uhh, is Moon awake? I know it's day and he's probably asleep but I wanted to talk to him."

Sun shook his head with a large smile on his face, "No, I am so sorry friend but he is asleep and I don't want to wake him!" the brother practically shouted his reply. The gator let out a little laugh and thought 'Coulda fooled me with how loud you are.' As Monty was about to tell him not to worry and end the call, he heard the other man speak loudly again "HOWEVER! I do think I know why you called. A little Moon may have told me, so feel free to tell me. I would love to hear how you're doing!" 'Fuck you Moon,' He thought as he could practically imagine Moon chuckling to himself about this but since Sun was here, he might as well tell him. Monty began to tell the other all about what happened, "I'm doing surprisingly well, as you know I was struggling making friends with my roommate because of uh...Y'know. Anyways, I accidentally walked in on him and his friends practicing their own song when I was exploring. Him and his boyfriend I think roped me into playing and they encouraged me. When I played, they seemed to know the song and all joined in. It was the happiest I had felt in a long time and in the end I befriended more than just him but his friends as well." As he rambled on, Sun silently listened and his expression widening as he heard about his friend's good state. "That's amazing, friend! If you were here I'd give you a big old hug!" Sun announced with the biggest grin he had ever seen. The twin brother's energy was contagious as he felt himself smile as well. "OH! Is that your roommate behind you?" Sun observed. Monty felt his smile drop as he turned in his seat to see Freddy behind him with a sheepish smile on his face and a hand against the back of his neck.

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