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Chenle meets his brothers at the school gate, as usual. Jeno is leaning against the wall, shoulder mere inches from fading graffiti with his gaze down, hood up and headphones on. His blazer is nowhere in sight.

"We can all hear your rock music," Donghyuck grumbles, kicking a stone into the street. He flinches at the metallic clang as it hits a nearby car, but he relaxes once no one charges up to scream at him for it. His own blazer is slung over his arm.

The sun always tortures students with its heat in the weeks before school ends for the summer, then they're greeted with downpours as soon as they're set free. It's the same every year. Chenle squints up at the sky and wishes the sun would go away, just for another few weeks.

"I said, we can all hear your music!" Donghyuck reaches to yank Jeno's headphone off himself but Jaemin's hand stops him. There's silence between them, fierce eye contact, then the slightest twitch of Jaemin's eyebrow that makes Donghyuck drop his arm and start traipsing down the road.

He soon disappears into the crowds of students. People push and shove and call to their friends across the street. Cars honk their horns and park wherever they can, parents rushing to pick their darlings up after work. A teacher arrives to clap her hands, willing everyone to hurry up and clear off home. No one ever listens, but as the minutes drag on and Jeno's music continues to pulsate through the fragile air between them, the students trickle away until they're nearly the last ones left.

Jeno crosses his arms across his chest and curls his fingers into fists. His eyes, fixated on the pavement, seem to glare past the gum and chocolate wrappers in favour of staring into some void that sucks the glint out of them. They all know that empty look. Renjun nudges Chenle, who shakes his head to say he doesn't know what upset him.

"They replaced my blazer, though," Chenle says. He holds up the package.

Donghyuck smirks. "Yeah? Did they get that little shit? Did they get him?"

"They made his parents buy it."

Donghyuck sucks air through his teeth then lets out a laugh. Even Renjun smiles to himself, oversized sketchbook clutched to his chest, making him seem smaller than he already is. He's skinny without trying. Chenle sniffs.

"Where's Dad?" Jaemin finally asks the question they've all been thinking. The street is empty. A science teacher leaves the gate with his briefcase, gives them a nod before getting in his car and driving off. "Even the teachers are leaving."

"It's nearly four. He's never late. Not this late, at least," Chenle says, checking his phone.

"Do you think he got into an accident?" Jaemin asks. "Can someone check the news?"

"Stop it," Donghyuck says. He pops a piece of apple gum into his mouth before continuing. "Stop worrying all the damn time. He's fine. Just late."

But even Donghyuck spits out the words like he's trying to convince himself of their truth.

Chenle passes time by telling them the story of the day: they find Taeyong's fierceness towards the school's headteacher hilarious, and Jeno cracks a smile. But then silence clings to the air once more, fed by their collective anxiety. Chenle rocks on his feet, Jaemin paces up and down until Donghyuck grabs his arm. Mark pulls Donghyuck off him.

"Leave him alone," Mark says. Donghyuck scoffs and kicks another stone.

The teacher at the gate is definitely staring, arms crossed, glasses perched on his nose like they could slide off at any moment. They turn their backs and try to ignore him. They're not causing any trouble.

"Where the fuck is he?"


"What, Mark?" Donghyuck turns on Mark, fists clenched at his sides and nose inches from Mark's, as though he used his final ounce of self-restraint to stop them from colliding. He scowls, eyes darkening.

Life is but a Dream {ChenJi} | ongoingWhere stories live. Discover now