Start from the beginning

Thus, the acting regent of Hastinapur, King Dhrithrasthra, took his place on the throne, a vision of majesty and magnificence that would linger in the memories of all who bore witness to this awe-inspiring moment.

To the left of the grand, ornate throne, adorned with intricate carvings and draped in opulent silks, sat Bheeshma—a paragon of seasoned valour and the unwavering guardian of the kingdom. His aged yet regal presence was enveloped in a cascade of silver ornaments. White silks clung to his form, symbolizing purity and honour, in stark contrast to his weathered skin bearing tales of countless scars and struggles.

Bheeshma's skin, akin to aged parchment, bore the marks of time, mapping a life forged on the battlefield. It narrated stories of fierce duels, where the sun kissed his face as he stood resolute against adversaries. Deep-set wrinkles etched his battle-hardened visage, each representing a chapter in the epic tale of his existence. His eyes, though aged, still blazed with the warrior's spirit, like unyielding embers in a hearth.

The very essence of the mighty Ganga, his mother, seemed to course through his sinewy frame. His body rippled with an enduring strength that belied his age. His broad, robust chest carried the weight of countless responsibilities, while his muscular arms served as the kingdom's steadfast bulwark.

To the right of the majestic throne stood Prime Minister Vidura, the embodiment of wisdom and righteousness. His face, etched with the marks of years, exuded tranquillity and sagacity. His dusky complexion, reminiscent of fine parchment, bore witness to a life steeped in knowledge and contemplation. Each wrinkle on his brow seemed to harbour a library of profound thoughts while his eyes, deep pools of insight, gleamed with the light of understanding.

"Pranipat, tathshri," the king, resplendent in his regal attire, greeted Bheeshma with profound reverence. Bheeshma raised his hand in blessing, its touch gentle yet carrying the weight of a lifetime of experience. "Yashaswi Bhava, putra," he whispered, his voice a blend of authority and affection.

"Let the sabha commence, Vidura," declared the king, his voice resonating with regal authority and grace. "As you wish, jyesht bhratha," Vidura replied, his words echoing unwavering loyalty and devotion to dharma.

A resounding voice reverberated through the grand court entrance, abruptly halting the Prime Minister's impending announcement of the day's proceedings. "Maharaj ki kalyan ho," intoned a brahmin whose unanticipated arrival sent ripples of astonishment through the assembly.

His towering presence nearly rivalled that of the monarch himself, and his discerning eyes gleamed with the wisdom borne of years moulding men into formidable warriors. Draped in saffron robes, adorned with rudrakshas and a sacred jandhya, his lithe yet muscular form, paired with a serene visage, presented an intriguing blend of sagacity and martial prowess.

Nimble yet sturdy hands that had once wielded formidable weapons now extended in blessing towards the king, who, in reverence, sought the guru's feet. "Pranipat, acharya. What brings you to our humble court?" inquired the king, extending all customary courtesies. "Maharaja, I have come to inform you that the Kuru princes have completed their education," declared the revered teacher. A radiant smile graced the emperor's face upon hearing that his hundred and six sons were soon to return home. The corridors of the palace still echoed with their youthful exuberance, and the absence of their laughter left a void akin to a garden yearning for rain.

"I want to hear about my sons' talents and achievements from your mouth, Guru Drona," the king requested. The teacher complied with a smile and began to recount each prince's skills.

"The eldest prince, Yudhisthir, true to his name, possesses the calmness of a tranquil lake even amidst the chaos of a battlefield. He mastered the bhalla, the spear, with the finesse of an artist, and his skill with Shula was equally remarkable. A gifted dice player, he also possesses a natural aptitude for politics and governance, like a seasoned statesman.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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