Undyne's Fight and More

Start from the beginning

Ben hits Spare yet again, but nothing happens.

Undyne: "So STOP being so damn resilient!"

Ben: "Sorry, but being stubborn is kinda my thing."

Undyne shoots out a flurry of spears at high speeds, and she turns their souls to red after the last spear is blocked. This time, both Ben and Frisk are able to dodge the last rogue spear.

* Undyne suplexes a massive boulder, just because she can.

Ben: "Dang. I did not expect to see that today."

Chara: "I understand even more now why she's the captain."

Frisk: "I definitely wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that."

Frisk hits Spare, which of course does nothing.

Undyne: "What the hell are humans made out of!?"

Ben: "Blood, bones, stubbornness. The works."

Ben and Frisk are in the small battle area, dodging spears coming from behind them. At the last attack, Ben accidentally pushes Frisk against the wall.

Frisk: "Ah~" She blushes. "I didn't know you could be so forward~"

Ben blushes, before getting off of Frisk. Chara just watches the two with a slight scowl, clearly jealous.

* Undyne thinks of her friends and pounds the ground.

Ben: "A-Anyway, let's keep fighting."

Frisk: "Alright~" She giggles. "If you say so~"

Chara continues to scowl as Frisk decides to try Plead again.

Frisk: "Please! We don't want to fight you! We just want to be friends!"

Undyne looks conflicted for a moment, before regaining her composure.

* Undyne remembers someone. Her attacked become a little less extreme.

Undyne: "Anyone else would be DEAD!"

Chara: "Not these two."

Ben and Frisk run around the battle area in order to avoid the oncoming spears. They are able to dodge them relatively easily, before their souls are turned green again.

Ben hits Spare again, which doesn't do anything.

Undyne: "Alphys told me humans were determined..."

Ben: "Yeah, some of us are."

Undyne sends out spears from the left and right, with the last one on the right being yellow. Ben tries to block it, but it suddenly flips around and hits him. This leaves Ben's HP at 13, and Frisk at 14.

Ben: "Ow!" He rubs his back. "That was real cheap."

Chara: "At least it was only one of them."

Ben: "Yeah. That is true."

Frisk hits Spare, and does nothing.

Undyne: "I see now what she meant by that!"

Ben blocks a spear from his left and right, before blocking a yellow spear that flipped to being in front of him. Then blocks a spear from behind, left, right, and forward and staying there to block a yellow spear.

Ben: "Yeah, she's a lot more skilled than all the enemies we've faced so far."

Frisk: "Definitely. These attacks are a lot more complicated than the ones before." She hesitates for a moment before speaking again. "Are you sure you want to block those attacks alone? I feel bad for not doing anything."

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