Don't be Late!- 1

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"Avery, hurry up, it's time for you to go!"

"Coming Mom!"

No no no no no, I'm going to be late for school and it's the first day!

Rushing to put on clothes I pull out a bright yellow short-sleeve shirt a white cotton cardigan, light blue skinny jeans, and my white Converse. I was finishing the look with my white Jansport book bag. Flashy on the first day but it's a great way to stand out. Checking the time to see it was 8:28 am, the school doors close at 8:30 and it takes 15 to 20 minutes minimum to get to school.

Out of my room and down the stairs in the kitchen, I grabbed a piece of toast, gave my mom and dad a kiss on the cheek goodbye and a big hug, and began running to school.


DARN IT, it's 8:53 and I don't know where the office is to pick up my schedule. WHAM! I fell straight to the ground right on my behind. Did I just run into a wall? How embarrassing. I wish it was a wall. "Are you fucking retarded?!" A masculine voice said in a rude and angry tone. "W-what?" I should have just gone straight into apologizing and begging for forgiveness. Oh, did I mention I was sensitive?

"Don't 'what' me, you heard what I said, you dumbass." He grabbed me off the floor to hold me closer, leaving my legs to dangle a few inches off the ground. "I-I'm sorry I was rushing. I didn't see my surroundings, please leave me alone." My eyes began to tear up and my voice got shaky, how pathetic, I'm such a wimp. "Look you made him cry BAHAHAHA!" A guy beside him I never noticed before said. There was a whole group of guys here I never noticed.

"Damn kid, it looks like you made yourself a new target this year, you should have stayed out of his way." The guy beside him ended it with a shrug and began laughing right after. "I'll let you off with a warning this time you faggot." Slamming me back on the ground with full force. That was all it took for me to start bawling my eyes out, out of pain and fear.

"I-I said I was sorry, why are you being so mean?" I lifted myself hiccuping and let out choked sobs. "There goes waterworks, PFT!" The guy beside the one who threw me was now hunched over crying tears from laughing so hard. I couldn't be more embarrassed. "Not only are you a faggot but a whiny bitch too. Hm?" Kicking me hard in my right rib cage.

Where are the teachers and administrators?! Oh right, I was late so of course the halls are gonna be empty and teachers are teaching in the classrooms. "Alright, he got the get-go now let's go before the admin comes, I fucking hate Ms. Karen, no wonder why her bitch ass isn't married." They gave me one last look before snickering and turning to follow who I guess is the leader of the ground down the opposite side of the hallway.

Sobbing hard in the hallway barely managing to get up without falling back down a few times. Holding my side while wheezing and sobbing I make my way to the front office, turning corners and walking in circles trying to find it. Good thing I stopped crying and I wasn't in too much pain but I can't doubt my eyes are red and puffy.


"Here is your schedule, this is your first period, gym." The lady pointed to the gym doors handing me my schedule.

"What are the chances of matching to similar schedules?" I asked in curiosity. "I'd say a 76 percent chance, why do you ask hun?" She led me into the gym to introduce me to the gym teacher. BAM! I get in the back with a basketball. I looked to see who the culprit was, who would have guessed, it was the guy from the hallway who kicked me.

"Are you alright sweetie?!" He placed a hand on my shoulder to keep me up while I stumbled. "Y-yeah I'm alright." That guy has a heck of an arm. OF COURSE, I'M NOT ALRIGHT! "Mr. Rivera!"

"His fault for being in the fucking way!" He continued to talk to the group from the hallway. "I'm sorry about him but I checked in the system and looked at all your classes and it seems that the both of you share the majority of y'all's classes. The only thing you both don't share is lunch." She gave me an apologetic and nervous smile.


Sitting on the bleachers in the corner of the gymnasium I pull out a book reading line for line in peace. "Hello! My name is Eden, what's your name?" A pretty girl came up to me with the most friendly smile. "Beautiful. Girl."


"I'M SORRY IT SLIPPED OUT! I-I-I'M AVERY!" I dropped my head in embarrassment, my face a deep red from ear to ear. "HAHAHA, thank you, it's nice to meet you." She extended her hand for a handshake, I hesitated until I thought of it as a chance to make a new friend.

Talking about anything and everything Eden and I clicked very quickly, we had a lot in common. Surprisingly, she invited me to sit with her at lunch and she wanted to introduce me to her friends. "O M G!" Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "What?" I tried to catch her attention and see who or where she was looking at.

"Check out Julius, 12 o'clock, isn't he dreamy! I'd make out with him and let him do anything he wanted to me." She now had her fist to her chin and her elbows on her knees with a weird look in her eyes.

"Make out? What does that mean? Do anything he wants as in what? Who is Julius?" I sat there with a dumbfounded look on my face confused, head tilted to the side with a single eyebrow raised.

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