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Trevor POV

"You know, taking my Marti away from me is a very, very bad idea," I coughed out.

I'm surrounded by cops, my hands cuffed to this nasty hospital bed. They're all staring at me in disgust, anger, and hatred. But I don't care.

I want my Marti. I want him right now. All I can think of is his face. We love each other and he needs me.

I can hear the nurses outside my room talking shit about me. None of them want to work on me or help me, but they have to.

I will see my Marti again. Nothing will stop me. I'll take him and leave the country if I have to. We won't be torn apart by idiots who don't understand our love for each other.

"Need I remind you Mr. Ivanov-" one of the pigs started.

"Trevor," I interrupted him.

"You kidnapped him. You tortured him. You traumatized him, his family, and everyone who ever loved him for life," he continued. "We know you're the one who killed your father, we know you're the one who's been framing your father for years, yes he was responsible for some murders, but your DNA was all over the other victims on the "list" that was carved into his back."

"And how would you even know the Marti you found is the real Marti?" I snarled, my head feeling fuzzy from all the pain I was in. "Could I get some pain medicine by the way, or at least a blunt?"

"Be quiet," another pig snapped at me, causing me to roll my tired eyes.

"Marti's body was never found, unlike the other victims were found, all mutilated by you. His mother never stopped looking for him, you'd be lucky they don't vouch for the death penalty for you," the first pig explained.

"You don't understand the kind of love we have-" I started.

"You never loved him, what you did wasn't love, it was abuse, malicious torture. You're a murderer with no sense of morale. Not a sliver of sympathy is behind those eyes of yours and you can't trick us into thinking any different. We see demons like you daily and you're never going to see him or freedom again." The pig said to me.

"I don't want to treat a patient like that, he's disgusting and... the things he's done," I heard a nurse whisper through the curtain.

"He killed my best friend years ago, if I go in here I'll start hitting him," another nurse explained, making me chuckle.

"We aren't forcing any nurses who don't want to, to go in with him, trust me, I'll handle him," a male voice spoke out.

"If you're gonna talk shit you may as well show your ugly little faces you know," I laughed out.

"Their only requirement is to keep you alive until your court date and then you'll no doubt be in prison for the rest of your rotten life," another pig spoke up.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Suddenly an older doctor came in with a clipboard, scowling at me and closed the curtain quickly, covering the faces of the dumb nurses who claim I'm evil.

"Trevor Ivanov, welcome back to Castle City," he said through gritted teeth. "I know you don't remember me, but I know you remember my daughter. Or at least you should."

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