Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5

We were standing in front of happy time’s amusement park.

“Why are we at the amusement park?”

“This is where will relax and have fun.”

I looked at him with are- you- serious- face.

“Come on.” He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the park.

We went on almost all the roller coasters then we decided to get something to eat. I was having a lot of fun and it is the first time I see him smiling so much. He looked really cute when he smiled.

“What? Do I have something on my face?” I was caught off guard. I did not realize was staring at him.


“Ok then.” He said with some sarcasm in his voice.

“Let’s go to that table.” He said pointing to a table at the back.


We sat down and ate our burgers and fries.

            When we were done we walked around for a while and went into the haunted house, house of mirrors and other attractions that were not rides that will make us vomit. Then we entered a gift shop. Then Minho said something that surprised me.

“Want to get matching head bands?”

Wasn’t that what couples do? I thought to myself. But I really wanted to wear one because they were super cute. We looked at Mickey ears, panda ears, cat ears, bunny ears, and big bow headbands. They all looked cute. But we decided on the big bow headbands.

We walked to go ride on the Viking. We yelled at the top of our lungs. When the ride finished I could not help but keep on smiling and laughing.

“That was fun. What now?” I asked.

“Now, it is time to go home. I will drop you off.”

When we were on our way to my car, I realized I felt happier and relaxed all thanks to Min ho. In the car, I felt my body become heavier. I haven’t realized how exhausted I was. Last thing I remember was a stop at the gas station, and then I fell asleep.

“Hana, we are here.” Min ho said tapping gently on my shoulder.  I woke up and I noticed we were in front of my apartment.

“Thank you!” I said all sleepy.

Then I realized, he brought me home but how was he going to get home.

“Hey, how are you going to get home? You want me to drive you?”

“No, it’s fine. I can take the bus.” He said while handing me my car keys.

As I was walking toward the stairs, I heard him say, “Hana.”

I looked back.


When he said that, he smiled and ran to the bus stop.

I just stood there at lost. Why was he being so nice to me today? I undress and took a shower to refresh myself. I put some steaks on the grill. I thought to myself that I really need to watch all this steak eating. I made myself a killer Caesar salad and it helped get my mind off the meat. Then I started thinking, how does Min ho know where I live? Was he Hunter?

-          Days Passed-

“Your Birthday is tomorrow! How do you feel?” Dru and Alexandra asked.

I feel like shit. That day is the day I will be getting my tails. And I was not feeling so good. The symptoms were kicking in big time. I heard everyone and smelled everything. I was getting dizzy with everything hitting me all at once. For the past few days, I have been talking to Jasper. He was that mysterious guy from Publix and all the other places. We talked and he helped me figure out a little bit more about the fox thing. Turns out his grandma were a nine tail fox. I asked him about his mother but he was abandoned by his mother and left with his grandmother. She never talked about his mother with him.

            We became close and I trusted him. On the other hand, I have not seen Min ho since the amusement park day. I wondered if I should call him and check up on him.

Ring, Ring, Ring.

I look at my phone and noticed it was Jasper.

My friends looked at me and said, “So who is that?” “Your boyfriend?”

“No! He is just a friend.”

I pick up the phone and answer it.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Nothing just called to see how you are feeling with you birthday tomorrow and all.”

“Aww that is nice of you. But I feel like crap.”

“Let me guess, you are getting a load of smells and voices in your head?”

“Yep. Do you know how I can decrease it a little?”

“Just concentrate on one thing you want to hear and smell. Block everything else out.”

Easier said than done but I tried. I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. My exhaling and inhaling, I focused on my friends only and the smell of the cake Dru was eating. I focused on the plants next to me as well. Then I opened my eyes and to my surprise it went well.

“It worked!” I said all excited.

“Good. Want to meet tomorrow?”


Please comment and tell me what you think. ^^ I will update soon again with the next chapter.

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