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Agencies and Secrets in Hungarian

TW: blood, cussing,weapons

Brixton is at home sitting on her couch watching TV until her alarm for 4:30 went off alerting her that she needs to get ready for work at her bar, Pandemonium. She groans as she grabs her phone and walks into the bathroom that's connected to her room to shower.

As she exits the shower, she walks to her closet to pick out an outfit.

"Is it really necessary to show me in a towel? It could really be avoided don't ya think" Brixton calls out to Gideon. "I am sorry but this is where it starts. What is shown I have no control over" Gideon says trying to sound apologetic. Brixton rolls her eyes.

She decides on a pair of ripped black jeans, a black crop top that shows off her lower abs, and her leather jacket. She finishes off the outfit with a pair of black heeled boots. She quickly runs her fingers through her long brunette hair before getting into her car, a metallic red tinted 2014 Chevrolet Camaro ZL 1.

"Nice car" Alex says to Brixton. "I know, but thanks" Brixton says smiling at the woman who nods back to her.

The club is named Pandemonium, a 2-story black and brick building with a red strobe light sign, giving it a dark and mysterious tone at night. The two glass metallic doors contrast the building colors. The inside of the club, the bottom floor has the dj stage on the left as soon as you walk in speakers and turn off leds surrounding it. The bar on the right side, a long bar with a row of bar seats by it. The liquor shelves stocked with all forms of liquor, turn off leds surround the shelf and bar. Random high tables are placed off to the side of the dance floor. Leds litter the top of the ceiling.

"Hey kid, how old are you? You seem a bit young to own a club" J'onn asks, looking at the girl who didn't look to be over 19. "Huh...I'm- I don't know." Brixton says before looking to Levi. "Hey Levi, how old am I again?" She asks. "Your 24 B" Levi says smiling at the girl. "Thanks Levi, I'm 24 sir, perfectly legal." Brixton says smiling to the man with an over enthusiastic nod of her head.

All who didn't know the girl found it weird that she couldn't remember her own age. Those who knew looked to each other a sad look on their faces, knowing why she didn't know her own age, nor birthday for that matter.

The stairs leading to the second floor are black metal with no bottom underside, a black metal rail to the right to flow the staircase, hidden led's in the corner of each stair. At the top is a rail to overlook the floor with two couches and a table for meetings within the club to the left. To the right is Brixton's personal office, black walls and a maroon red door with fogged smoked glass, and a black office sign on it. Inside is a grey U-shaped desk, with shelfs connected, with a white chair. Two more white chairs in front of her desk. A small chest of drawers to the side with two glasses and a bottle of alcohol on it. A window is behind her.

Brixton walks to the storage closet grabbing the broom and dustpan. She starts sweeping the floor, picking up miscellaneous trash she finds as she cleans. As she finishes dumps all of it into a trash bag with a sigh. She then starts to go along and wipe down the tables and booths making sure to get in all of the creases.

"Do you not have employees to do the cleaning for you, you seem to have a lot of money, owning a club at 24 and all." Lillian Luthor says, eyeing the girl. Brixton clenches her jaw as she glares at the woman, her friends, more like family, glare at her as well.

As she finishes, her employees start to clock in. Lana and Isaac arriving first with Sharon and Nick following behind them. Lana and Sharon start cleaning their section around the bar as Nick and Isaac start getting everything out for the doors, leaving Brixton to escape back into her office.

[Hiatus!]Rise. Fall. Rage. Faith. wtsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن