Cell: Starting off with the big guns? I fully anticipated fighting you last.

Goku: Yeah, well I wanted a crack at you for the longest time now. I just can't wait around for my turn!

Cell: *Grins* Well then, I suppose this tournament will be over rather soon.

Goku: I wouldn't be so sure of that, Cell.

Goku made his onto the arena and faced Cell, the two staring each other down as the area fell into a tense silence. Suddenly, Goku broke off into a dash and met his opponent head-on. The two furiously clashed as they darted all around the arena, blocking each others blows with amazing precision. At one point, Goku seemed to have sealed the deal by knocking Cell out of bounds, but he simply stopped himself midair and floated back into the ring before he could hit the ground, causing the fight to continue. Many close calls were had during this scuffle, Goku almost being knocked from the arena several times. Likewise, Cell was also on caught off guard a few times and gave our heroes some hope for Goku's victory. Things took a turn however, as Cell began to utilize techniques of the other Z-Fighters. From Tien's Multi-Form technique to outnumber Goku, Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon to bombard him from the four corners of the arena, and even Krillin's Destructo Disc to chase Goku around.

It all led up to Cell charging up and preparing the Kamehameha. But at the rate he was going, he could possibly destroy the earth then and there! Thinking quick when Cell fires, Goku goads him into redirecting it towards him as he flies up. He then gets to safety via Instant Transmission, surprising Cell enough to get hit by Goku's counter attack.

Cell: Cutting it a little close don't you think?

Goku: Guess I got lucky.

Cell: "Lucky", huh? I don't buy you vanishing like that up to mere luck. How did you manage that?

Goku: It's a new technique called the Instant Transmission.

Cell(Surprise): Instant you say? Sounds like quite the handy technique.

Goku: Yeah, it is. You know, you could've destroyed the whole planet if you didn't redirect that blast.

Cell: Yeah, and? I don't hold any level of care for this stupid rock or its inhabitants. All that matters to me is you, this fight, and my victory.

The battle continued shortly after, even more furious then before if that was possible. It was at this point that the Z-Team began to notice Goku was losing steam. If he couldn't find a way to win soon... As their thoughts were interrupted when they hear Goku shout at them to clear the way. Looking up, they see Cell preparing an attack, his hand aimed at the ring.

Yerlec(Frantic): Everyone take cover! Move, move!

Doing as they're told, everyone gets out of the way, as Cell fires his attack and a large explosion occurs. When the smoke, dust and debris settled, the arena was no more. What was that about?

Cell: I realize I'm the one who made the rules, but it'd be a shame if this were to end so abruptly because of a silly little ring out. From now on, this will be a battle to the death!

Goku: Sounds good to me.

The fight started anew, now without the constraints of a possible ring out. Seemingly at a stalemate, Goku suddenly takes to sky, confusing everyone there.

Krillin: Wow, Goku's way up there. What's he doing?

Yerlec: "What" indeed...

Goku: KAME-

Cell(Amused): *Chuckles* He wouldn't dare fire it from there. He'll destroy the earth if he does.

Krillin: Relax guys, Goku's crazy but not that crazy. There's nothing to worry about.

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