When she returns, she has two shirts, and she hands me one of them. I change shirts, and wait for her to tell me to do something. I've dyed hair before, so I know how to do it. I however have never been on the end where I am the one getting my hair dyed. As she gets the stuff she needs, we chat about what our costumes should be, and when we figure out what they will be, we decide who should be what. Since we are adding color to our hair, we make sure that our costumes will look good with our hair.

        Before Ivy adds the color to my hair, she asks me again if I am sure about adding color to it. The moment the word yes leaves my mouth, she drops the first dollop of color on a strand of hair. We sit in silence for a long beat, "Tell me who you are interested in. I know there is someone who has your attention." I press, and she smiles.

        "I have a crush on someone, but I doubt they feel the same way. He is super anal about everything, and even if he did feel the same way nothing would ever happen. There are certain restrictions when you have a brother on the hockey team, and this guy is one of them." She says, and I wait for her to add more, but she doesn't.

        "Like you told me, whoever has an issue with it has to get over it. We are adults and need to experience things." I say, and she nods. It's not a convincing nod that she'll go for him, but who knows maybe she will. Ivy always surprises people.

        Ivy opens her mouth to say something, but it is cut off by my phone ringing. I pick it up, and smile. "It's my mom." I say, and Ivy nods. I click answer, and my moms face shows up on the screen, "Hey Momma, what's up?"

        "Hey baby. How are yo-" she stops when she notices Ivy behind me, "What are you doing?" She asks, and I laugh.

        "Highlighting my hair. What are you doing?" I ask like the smartass I am. Ivy taps my shoulder, and I turn to her. She motions to the door, saying she can give me privacy, but I shake my head no. She nods, and goes back to working on my hair, as my mom and I talk. At some point my mom and Ivy start talking, and I am just here.

        "Yes ma'am, they rent an airbnb for all the parents and kids. Us kids go there on Christmas eve day, and stay until a few days New Years Eve. My parents pay for it, and then cover most of the food, if there's anything specific you want, then you bring it." Ivy explains, and my mom nods. "I can totally ask them if they can upgrade it to two more rooms. Oaklynn and I can share one, the guys all share one, and then everyone else has their own." she says, and my mom shakes her head no.

        I already know she is going to say we can't accept that. "We can't accept that. We have no way of repaying them, but thank you for the offer. Maybe next year we can." Called it. "Well, you girls have fun. I'll talk to you later Oakley bug, I love you." My mom tells me, and I smile.

        "I love you too Momma. Tell Rebel I love him." I say, and she nods. When my mom hangs up, Ivy sighs. "Don't even say it. I can't go behind her back like that." I state, and Ivy rolls her eyes.

        "Come on, no one else repays us for it. They just buy everyone a gift, and my parents call it even. Our group isn't just friends. We are family, and even all of our parents will tell you that." She tries to convince, and I shrug. "Please, you already won't be here for thanksgiving, and this could be our first Christmas together. We need these stories to tell our future kids." She presses.

        I can talk to my mom about it. Maybe even get Nana and Rebel to talk to her too, and maybe give Ivy her number to try as well. "Fine, I'll try again." I promise, and she smiles

        She colors a few more strands and then squeals, "You are all done. I'm going to straighten my hair, and by the time I'm done with that you'll be able to rinse out your hair." I nod, and she washes out the empty bowl, so that the colors won't be mixed.

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