Chapter 1: Flashing Memories

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The story starts when Veldora and Rimuru are thinking of a name for each other.


Unnamed slime POV

A last name, huh? let's see...

U.N: (Since it's storm, let's call you Tempest ....How is that?) It shouldn't work, right? It's simple and resounding, and naturally connected the storm and tempest. It certainly is too casual.

???: (Then it's decided! This name has a really nice ring to it!) He actually liked it!?

???: (Then my name will be Veldora Tempest starting from today! About you... I'll give you the name Rimuru. From today onwards, you will be Rimuru Tempest!!) This name became embedded into my soul. Even though neither my appearance nor my abilities had changed. But, in the depths of my soul, something had definitely changed. It's probably the same for Veldora too. However, suddenly my head hurt like hell as images flashed in my mind.

(In Rimuru's mind)

???: "Your name shall be Rimuru ****!" A man exclaimed. He had long black hair littered with white specks that made it resemble the night sky as well as ocean blue eyes. His gender could still be male or female, probably because he was too beautiful.

(Back in the cave)

Veldora: (RIMURU!!!)

Rimuru: (AHH! Huh, Veldora?)

Veldora: (What the hell happened man? You just dozed off into space and you weren't responding when I was trying to call you either.)

Rimuru: (Well, as soon as you named me, I suddenly had a sort of a flashback even though it didn't match up with any of my previous memories.)

Veldora: (Flashback? What did you see in that flashback?)

Rimuru: (Well, a man named me Rimuru but I couldn't hear the last name he gave me properly.)

Veldora: (What did the man look like?)

Rimuru: (He had long black hair littered with white specks that made it resemble the night sky as well as ocean-blue eyes. His gender could still be either male or female, probably because he was just too beautiful.)

Veldora: (...)

Veldora POV

What? This description, it's of Veldanava-nii's human form!! W-Why did he receive this flashback!?

Veldora: 'Could it be .....' Wait Veldora!! Control yourself! Remember what "he" used to say!


???: "Always remember Veldora. Keep a calm and cool head. Don't just immediately start panicking when a situation arrives. The first thing you should do is analyze the situation calmly and then you should decide what to do. Do you understand?"

Veldora: "Hai!!"

(Flashback end)

That's right. Just calm down and decide what you should do in this situation. *Sigh*! Alright now time to respond to him. For now, I'll lie to him and say I don't know the man he described.

Veldora: (I'm afraid I don't know the man you're describing, Rimuru.)

Rimuru: (Oh, I see.) Thank god I had activated thought acceleration or he might have grown suspicious of me.

(A.N: The rest happened the same as the light novel.)

(Timeskip to Demon Lord Summit)

3rd Person POV

Four Demon Lords are currently watching a battle between the orc lord Geld and a platinum-blue-haired man whose name they didn't know yet. The Beastmaster Carrion, The Sky Queen Frey, and The Marionette Master Clayman were all impressed by the Majin's skills. However, The Destroyer, Milim Nava is absolutely shocked to see the blue-haired Majin alive.

Milim: 'No way... but how? He should be dead. I felt him die! I need to check this slime after Clayman ends his boring meeting. From what I can see, he seems to be far weaker than him.'


Rimuru POV

I suddenly felt a large amount of energy heading toward Tempest so I decided to confront it myself outside of Tempest. The ball of energy landed on the ground in front of me, forming a crater. I was in my slime form to look like a harmless monster. Once the smoke cleared I saw a girl with blue eyes and platinum-pink hair which were done up in a pair of pigtails. She looked around fourteen or fifteen, but there was no telling a magic-born's age from external appearances-and with the overwhelming amount of magical power that she didn't bother to hide, she couldn't have been the age she seemed to be. She was wearing an outfit that left quite a bit of skin exposed, made out of some unknown material. And-more than anything-she was a beauty, the likes of which I may never have seen before. Before I could ask who she was, she arrogantly puffed out her chest (her breasts only barely developed).

???: "Hello, hello! I am the demon lord Milim Nava. You look like the strongest hombre in town, so I wanted to come 'n' say hi!" the beautiful and powerful girl declared. I barely avoided blurting out 'A demon Lord!?' but then suddenly images flashed in my head once again just like back when I was named by Veldora.

(In Rimuru's mind)

???: "Your training is too hard for me, sensei! Let me take a break!!" A little girl with blue eyes and platinum-pink hair which was done up in a pair of pigtails and was 7 years old complained to her sensei.

Sensei: "I'm afraid not, Milim-san. This training is important for you to get stronger in the future and besides, Veldanava-sama ordered me to train you to become strong. Bare it a little longer."

Milim: "UGH"

(Back in the real world)

When the flashback finished, I saw that I was being carried by Ranga while the kijins were FIGHTING THE DEMON LORD!!?? What the hell has gotten into them!? Right now I'll think about the flashbacks later and focus more on stopping this fight.

(A.N: The rest went the same as the light novel)

(Timeskip to 1 week before Phobio's visit to Tempest)

Right now I am signing paperwork while Milim is simply playing in Tempest. Suddenly, I sensed another huge aura. I immediately dashed in front of the Tempest entrance as that is where the aura was coming from. Once I arrived, I saw a huge DRAGON in front of me. It had blue skin and golden eyes that looked like they could see through my soul. 

Milim then arrived and after seeing the dragon, she had a big smile on her face

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Milim then arrived and after seeing the dragon, she had a big smile on her face.

Milim: "VELGAIA!!!" As soon as she said that, I suddenly received a flashback AGAIN while the dragon transformed into a boy with short black hair and deep blue eyes. Seriously what the hell is with these flashbacks? I seriously have to find out more about this.

(In Rimuru's mind)

???: "So you've successfully evolved into a true dragon, huh? Very well then, your new name shall be Velgaia."

(Back in the real world.)

I wonder what that flashback meant.


(1071 words)

Rimuru: Veldanava's right hand (On hold)Where stories live. Discover now