Part 10

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The next few day was the same Solar refusing to speak or eat looking extremely lifeless. They had to resort to giving Solar a feeding tube to ensure that she is fed due how malnourished she is causing her health to deteriorate and become worse as time goes.

Currently Solar was sleeping when moonbyul entered the hospital bed alone as the two youngest was send for schedule arrange by the company to reassure fans that the group is okay since the hiatus was first announced . At first the two youngest refuse as they wanted to be by Solar side but thinking of their fans they reluctantly agree.

Moonbyul who has enter the room was extremely heartbroken looking at Solar who has become all frail and skinny she really miss the elder that would comfort her and play along with any funny antics that she would come up with just to annoyed her . As she thought about all the Happy flashback she has with the groups such as when they first got their first win when they were on the verge on disbandment , when they first had their own concert despite being in an unknown company having to busk to the street just to get some publicity or when they won first for the reality show queendom after the numerous struggle they met , she began sobbing feeling stress and annoyed by the current situation hoping that Solar would show signs of improvement .

Moonbyul who did not want to wake up the sleeping Solar use her hand to cover her mouth to try and muffled her crying sound but due to how bad she was crying it ended up woking up Solar who looked at moonbyul worryingly.

Solar try to reach for moonbyul to hug and console her confused at the situation but end up failing as the cuffs preventing her from reaching far

S : Byul what wrong
Solar whispered softly wanting to know what was wrong with her member

Moonbyul was still sobbing looking at her lap quickly look up surprised at hearing her dearest unnie who has spoke after like forever .

M : u-unnie

S : u okay why u crying

M : I'm fine how are u feeling
Moonbyul quickly try to divert the attention to solar who scrunch her face displeased with the answer

S : Byul tell me why are u crying
Solar said soundly but firmly

M : I'm just sad by the situation I miss u and I want the old u to be back the youngest miss u two but they couldn't come as they had scheduled arranged by the company . Unnie pls pls come back stop starving urself and eat even if it abit pls unnie

Said moonbyul who was extremely agitated begging her unnie to try to consume some food

Solar who feel her heart clenching looking at her byul reach up her hand to which byul move closer to Solar so that solar will be able to wipe her tears and embracing her tightly before whispering I try.

Moonbyul who tears was still flowing immediately calm down hearing her eldest she was glad that solar had agreed to try hopefully this will be the start of her recovery .

Moonbyul then excuse herself to grab some food for her leader . She quickly went to the cafeteria to grab some porridge knowing that it been awhile since Solar ate any solid food so she might have some digestion issue .

After purchasing the porridge she quickly went back to the ward where the two youngest were by the bedside seemingly pleasantly surprised that Solar was communicating with them and turn to glance at moonbyul furrowing their brows in confusion and wanting some update on what has happened .

Moonbyul just give them a smile and a nod to signal that she will update them later before turning her attention back to the leader

M : yong I brought u some porridge

Solar frown at the sight of food but relented as she had promised moonbyul that she will try to eat and does not want to disappoint and worry her any further.

Moonbyul immediately blow on the steaming hot porridge before bringing in close to solar mouth to feed her since her hand was still restrained.

Taking the first bite , Solar immediately gagged as a reflex since her body is not used to consuming any solid food after a long time of not doing so .

Wheein immediately reach for the tissue to wipe Solar mouth

W : unnie , just want to let u know how proud we are to see that you are trying ur best pls don't give up alright

Moonbyul continue feeding Solar who took a few more bite fulls before shaking her head that she she doesn't want any more .

The members didn't want to push Solar any further feeling satisfied that she has atleast consume something even if it abit .

They then bid Solar goodbye for the night as visiting time was over and that they will be back the next time which Solar just nod as a response.

After leaving the room , moonbyul updated the members on what has happened and how she is glad that solar is finally showing signs of improvement . The loser crews then embrace one another in a tight hugs knowing that they were all feeling emotionally drained on everything that happened but promise one another to be there for each other and to stay strong for the dearest leader .

After reaching the dorms , the members went to their respective room to wind down and just have their alone time to destress .

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