Part 6

21 3 4

After the whole fiasco earlier the members retreated back to the respective room to cool down

Solar pov

" u stupid ass can't even do the most simple shit . How do u fk it all u had to do was hid it lolz "

" now u make all the members upset cus of how burdensome u are to them "

" u better go and retrieve the pills from the bins and ensure u don't get caught "

Solar took a deep breathe trying to calm her tears that seem to be profusely flowing down her face nonstop . Once she manage to finally stop crying , she open her door slightly to take a peek at ensuring that her members are not in the living room before quickly rushing to find the bottle of pills

Thankfully the member dispose it in the small dustbin placed in the kitchen and not the rubbish chute .

To avoid suspicion, she quickly uncover the bottle and pour on the pills into the empty container she prepare before disposing the empty bottle back into the bins before retreating to the room .

Soon it was dinner time

The members wanting to cool off from the earlier argument decided to take their dinner separately which Solar could only rejoice happily as she don't have to force herself to puke out whatever she eat .. she then took one pills and down it with a cup of water before closing her eyes wanting to sleep as she felt extremely exhausted from what has happened .

Next morning

Solar woke up with a severe headache causing her to message her temples in hope to ease the pain but seem to be of no use.

she force herself to stand up but was met with a wave of dizziness making her lose her balance slightly causing her to grab on her bed handles as her vision were slightly blurry .

Few minutes pass by

Feeling slightly better she step into the kitchen and began making breakfast feeling apologetic for causing such a sense .

W&H&M : good morning they say in unison

S : good morning ..with a smile on her face

S : u kids can go ahead and eat yea I alr eat earlier so I will be in my room if u need anything before turning off the stove and retreating into her room .

After closing her door , she search for Panadols as she feel her headache returning . After Shallowing two pills , she close her eyes hoping to get her very much desirable sleep .

Few hour later

A loud bang resonated through the dorm

Solar was awoken by surprise step into the living room to find the source of sound .

S : whee ? Byul ? Hye? What wrg

Before she could continue her sentence she was met with a slap to her face

W : u are such a burden to the group u are tarnishing our group

H : u fatass we been taking pity on u but u just getting more and more overweight our kindness is not to be taken for granted

M : yea u stupid ass and for that reason we have decided to kick ur useless ass out get out

Solar was caught of surprised and could only beg for forgiveness and to allow her to continue as a member and promise to work extremely hard but was only met with laughter .

M : u ? All u did was bring shame to the group the group is better diff without u

Byul hand were about the reach solar face again when she leapt of bed .

Solar pov

It a nightmare again but what does it feel so surreal and it worse than the previous wan

" that becus is the truth the members all secretly can stand u "

" can't u see u obese looking women is bringing hate to the team "

Hugging my knees tightly , I keep mumbling sorry over and over again the voices got louder and louder I quickly rch for my blades and began slashing everywhere I could rch my hands  down to my stomach before dropping the blades

I'm sorry for existing atleast now the members will be free of me I mumble as my eyes started to close goodbye world ...

Solar  - useless ?Where stories live. Discover now