Chapter 7

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June, 25, 1988
Jamie's POV
7:10 am
It had been about a week since I had seen Benny I was starting to think about his offer to play baseball. Even though I had declined at first I was so sick of being in the house it was so boring and my mom was barely home because of her work. I decided that I wanted to find Benny I didn't know why but it just felt like something I should do I also didn't know what house he lives in but if I went outside I could possibly find him. I tore myself out of bed and hopped in the shower.

                                  Outfit! Creds to Pinterest 

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                                  Outfit! Creds to Pinterest 

I put on some shorts and tied up my shirt since it would be pretty hot today I then did a little bit of makeup then brushed my hair and left it down I put a hair-tie on my wrist just in case then I put my reboxs on and grabbed my glove and went downstairs. I ate something super quick and went outside I decided I would just ride around the neighborhood on my bike.

I was soon regretting this decision because it was so hot I also did not understand why I wanted to look for him in the first place hes kinda annoying and rude but he's still cute? No no, he can't be cute he's just annoying and rude! I say to myself who knows if he's even nice, he was probably just sweet-talking me since he did hit me with that dumb ball and I bet he was just like all his other asshole friends!

I decided I wanted to go into town so I started biking in that direction.
Town was pretty empty which kinda made sense because it was the middle of the day and people were working but why was no other I don't know kids! I thought to myself until I saw this girl sitting on the curb outside of the corner store it looked like she was crying so I slowly peddled over and could hear her sobbing I felt really bad.
I thought for a second questioning if I should go up to her in the end, I decided to. I stopped my bike right in front of her and she looked up

Hey, are you okay?  I asked

she sniffled and smiled. Yup, I'm totally fine. She responded.

Are you sure? You don't look fine. Not like a bad way you just look really sad.  

Do you usually come up to all strangers on the street that looks sad ? she asked kinda snapping

No... but there's also like no one in town right now except for you and you're crying so I wanted to see if I could help

Oh, she mumbled and then she looked hesitant before she blurted out, my boyfriend just broke up with me and maybe it's because I wasn't good enough. After all, now he already has a new girlfriend so he was probably cheating on me. I don't even know why I'm crying over him because he was a jerk anyways! she yells out as she puts her head in her hands, and starts crying even more.

I was a little bit shocked at the outburst she just had but my face soon softened as I started to talk to her again even though I didn't really know what to say.

I'm sorry I crooked out, which sounded more like a question, but I quickly covered it up when I sat down next to her and said

"He didn't deserve you anyways, you're like super pretty I mean look at you! So he totally missed up by breaking up with you"

She chuckled and whipped under her eyes before saying "Thank you and did anyone ever tell you that you give really good compliments?"

"No" I turn and face her you're the first person to ever tell me that which is kind of cool I guess but my name is Jamie, Jamie Harris I say as I smile and stick my hand out to her.

She chuckles again my names Nicole she replies as she shakes my hand.
Me and Nicole had talked for the rest of the day. We got to know each other a bit more. I told her what life was like before I moved here, and she explained to me how she has in California her whole life, and if there was anything I ever wanted to know I could ask her which is pretty helpful I guess. She also gave me her number or if I wanted to hang out in the near future.

It was now around 5:30 PM. I was on the phone with Marie because I hadn't talked to her in almost a week because she had been busy. It was kind of annoying we said we would call each other every day and now it seems like she's way too busy to talk to me.
I updated her on my life. I was mainly telling her about how I hung out with Benny. I told her about how I wanted to go see him again and how we could maybe even be friends.

Why would you wanna be friends with that asshole? Marie asked

I don't know maybe because there's not that many people in this dumb place I reply I then think of my new friend Nicole and I get excited
I did meet this one girl today she's-

Jamie, can we get back on topic Marie cut me off  I know there isn't a lot of people for you to be friends with but come on you seriously wanna be friends with him.

I mean, I guess I'm mumble. I could also try to meet new people. I just don't know where I would and just miss you and everyone so much.

Aww, I miss you too Jamie but hey I got to go can I call you later? She asks

Yeah sur- I start the same but the call abruptly ends so I hang the phone back up and stand up

I scoff that was hella rude I don't know what her deal is I think to myself

I hear the keys jingle at the door, so I know that my mom's home now I jogged down the stairs to see her with a takeout bag.

Hi Mom I smile at her

Hey baby I got us some food if your hungry she says as she lifts up the bag

Thanks, mom I'm starving I say as I grab the bag

The rest of my night consists of eating and starting to watch a movie, but I fall asleep before it even finishes.

(1164) words
Hi! So new character alert!! This chapter was supposed to be way different but this idea just popped into my head. Let me know what you guys think about it though.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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