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June 9th 1988
3rd person POV
After an exhausting two-day car ride, Jamie and her mom finally arrived at their new home in California.

It was very early in the morning. Jamie got out of the car and examined the house in front of her.
she then took out her camera and took a photo of the house

she then took out her camera and took a photo of the house

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"hmm it's not bad," Jamie says out loud

"I knew you would like it Jamie" her mother replies

"I still like our house in North Carolina better" Jamie replies as she grabbed a box from the trunk and walks to the front door.

After Jamie and her mother got all the boxes into the house, Jamie decided to explore the place and couldn't help but compare it to her old home. It was smaller and quiet, but it was cozy. She brought all the boxes into her new room and started setting them up.

Jamie's POV
I explored the house a bit and decided to start setting up my new room. There was already a bed, so I didn't have to worry about where I would sleep.

Some shelves on the wall could use some touch-up, so I started taking posters, pictures, and all sorts out of the boxes. I brought out my favorite poster and couldn't help but smile at the beautiful picture of Joan Jett. After all, she is my idol.

I hung up all my boomboxes, cassettes, baseball caps, and other things I've collected over the years. Of course, I had to put pictures of me, Marie, and some of my other friends around the room, at least something still felt like home.

after what felt like ages it was 3 PM. I had most of the boxes cleared out, and everything in my room looked just how I liked it.

I went downstairs to see that my mom had unpacked, almost the whole living room

"did you unpack everything in your room?" my mom asked

"yeah, it took me forever"

"Okay! well, since you don't have anything else to do and you've unpacked the rest of the boxes, how about you go get your bike out of the car and go explore the neighborhood!"

"you never know who you might meet" she adds

"Okay but can I take a shower first because I've been in these clothes for like two days," I say as I head back upstairs

I go back into my new room and grab the last box. all that's in there is bathroom necessities so i grabbed them and went into the bathroom. That's connected to my room and start putting stuff in there after a few minutes . I finally take a nice refreshing shower. when I finish, I brush my hair out and I go through the clothes I had in my suitcase and pick out a random outfit appropriate for the weather

 when I finish, I brush my hair out and I go through the clothes I had in my suitcase and pick out a random outfit appropriate for the weather

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(sorry if you guys don't like it I just chose a random outfit) credits to Pinterest

after I finish getting dressed I head back downstairs and go up to my mom

"Mom I'm gonna go outside now to explore,"
I say sarcastically

"Okay have fun honey"

I smile and head outside to the car. I grab my blue bike from the trunk and put it on the ground as I shut the trunk I pick it up and start going around the neighborhood. I peddle on my bike for about 30 minutes but all the houses look pretty similar so I don't know what exploring doing. As I continue riding on my bike, I go past this field, and the next thing I know I get hit with something

A baseball.

I fell off my bike and landed on the ground hard 
what the fuck! I say pretty loud, as I stand up and wipe off my legs. The next thing I know I see a boy right in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asks

"I'm fine," I say harshly

The next thing I know, a bunch of other boys are right behind him One of them looks at me and says

"what were you doing on the way? Can't you see we were trying to play a game over here??"

I immediately get offended and turn to look at him he's shorter than me and has orange-looking hair

"Well, I'm sorry that I didn't know what you guys are doing. I was just trying to ride my bike before you hit me with your ball!" I say pretty loudly

"oh yeah well next time get out of the way!" he replies back

by this time, I am fuming I can I have a pretty short temper just like my dad, but he was never in my life so that doesn't matter

"you know what I'm done with this conversation and I'm taking your ball too"

I replied as I grab the baseball and get on my bike and start to speed away to find my way home. I can hear all of them yelling and groaning behind me, but I couldn't care less
(864 words)
Hey, the second chapter is done! I don't have anything to say so yeah!

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