The Rain

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Luka's p.o.v ........

"Please mom", I begged.

She rolled her eyes.

"Fine", she said after much persuasion.

I was grounded but I had to see Chen. I was worried about him .............. and I also had a lot of questions that needed answers.

"Juleka will be leaving for a sleepover soon and I have the night shift so you'll be home alone. After seeing Chen, come straight home! I'll be going now", my mom said as I walked her to the front door.

"Bye, honey", she said, waving.

"Bye, mom", I responded, shutting the door behind her. Chen better be okay. I quickly glanced at the clock. It was 7:35. Visiting hours would probably be over soon. I had to leave now.

"Jules!", I called. "Yeah", she answered from somewhere in the house.

"I have ........ a little errand to run. Lock the front door on your way out. I'll take my spare key", I said. "Sure", she agreed. I dashed out of the house and hopped on my motorcycle.

My mom didn't like me riding it but it was a gift from my dad so I couldn't turn it down ........ plus, right now, running would only waste time.

I rode as fast as I could to the hospital ........... but I was too late. Visiting hours were up.

"I'm sorry, young man. I can't make any exceptions .......... I'm really sorry ........ but I'll tell the patient you came by. Luka Couffaine right?", a nurse asked.

"Yeah. Thanks", I sighed. I guess I'll just have to wait till tomorrow.

I walked out of the hospital building towards my bike. I heard the sound of thunder and looked up at the sky.

It was gonna rain soon. I was in such a rush to leave the house that I didn't even notice the grey clouds.

I quickly got on my motorcycle, turned it on and pulled out of the hospitals' parking lot.

Chloe's p.o.v ..........

I was so full that I couldn't even walk properly ............. I felt fine though ......... but I needed to get home fast ..... really fast.

Harsh winds were already blowing and in a matter of seconds, it started drizzling. I was still a bit far from the hotel.

I tried opening up my umbrella .......... but the wind carried it away.

"Are you kidding me?!", I yelled. I sluggishly chased after it so I couldn't keep up and it got stuck in a tree.

Seriously?! Ugh! I didn't have time for this. Just as I thought that the situation couldn't get worse, a heavy downpour began. I had no idea were I got the energy from but I took off running like crazy.

Luka's. p.o.v .........

It was raining uncontrollably .......... and I wasn't dressed for that kind of weather.

I was a few blocks away from my house ........... when a girl suddenly ran into the middle of the road.


She was almost hit by a car but she noticed just in time and tried dodging ........ but she stumbled and fell ........ luckily, she fell forward causing her to land on the sidewalk.

The driver of the car didn't even bother to check on her, he just loudly cursed at her before driving off.

What an ass!

I hesitantly parked my bike and ran towards the girl.

She looked hurt.

Chloe's p.o.v .........

I tried taking shelter from the rain in a small cafe that was still open ....... but as I was crossing the road, some moron nearly ran me over.

I was able to avoid getting hit by the car but I slipped.

So embarrassing!

"Watch where you're going, you little bastard", the owner of the car yelled.


Was the insult really called for?! I was the one who almost died !!!

Fortunately, I didn't twist or sprain anything when I fell, just a few scratches.

I was about to stand up when someone asked, "Are you okay?".

I looked up at who was talking to me. The person quickly lifted the visor of their motorcycle helmet .............. It was .......... It was ...... Luka?!

I know I hoped that I would see him again ........... but not like this !!

"Here", He said reaching out to me.

Didn't he recognize me?

I slowly took his hand and he lifted me up.

"My house isn't far from here. You can wait out the storm there", he said.

Luka's p.o.v ...........

Why the hell did I just say that?!

My house?! Seriously?!

She'll think I'm a creep.

Nice going, Luka.

Chloe's p.o.v ..........

His ........ His house ?

"Uh ..... Um ..... O....okay", I said.


The cafe was right behind me ....... Why did I agree to go with him ?!

He looked a bit surprised at first but he soon relaxed.

"Let's go then", He said, pulling me along as we both raced back to his motorcycle.

I've never been on one of those things before.

"Having second thoughts?", He asked, getting on his bike. He saw how reluctant I was.

I wanted to bolt out of there and take my chances with the rain ......... but I saw myself getting on the motorcycle as well.

What was I doing?!

"Take this", He said, turning a little and placing his helmet on my head.

My cheeks became bright red.

His ...... His face was so close to mine. He has always been so nice .......... to me of all people.

"Oh .... and .... um ..... It's good to see you again", Luka said, smiling.

He did remember me.

"Ditto", I replied.

After a few minutes, we finally reached his house. It wasn't too big ....... but it looked lovely. He parked his motorcycle in the garage while I waited on the porch. When he was done, he unlocked the front door and we both went in.

It All Started With A Flower (Lukloe Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ