Audrey Bourgeois

402 12 0

Chloe's p.o.v .......

I was at the front of the hotel, panting heavily.

'This is it ' , I thought to myself.

A girl wearing a blue shirt passed by and it made me think of Luka.

I smiled.

"I can do this", I whispered.

I walked into the hotel lobby and was greeted by Jean Martin.

"Welcome, Mademoiselle Chloe. Your father had to leave for an important dinner meeting.......", Typical.

"But your mother is here and I could take you to her, if you would like", he said gesturing towards the hotel elevator.

"Y ...... yes", I replied before we entered the elevator.

My heart was pounding in my chest. I've never been this nervous before.

Ugh! I hated being so anxious.

We both got out of the elevator and walked towards the room my mom was staying in.

"I'll take my leave now", Jean Tannie said as we had arrived at our destination.

I nodded and he walked away. I took a deep breath before knocking. The hallway was silent.

"Come in", a voice yelled irritatedly after a while. I opened the door and stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind me.

My mom was sitting in front of a vanity, rubbing lotion on her face with her back to me.

She looked like she just had a bath. She was wearing a pink robe with a towel on her head.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I was tongue tied and I didn't know why.

She slowly turned around, looking me up and down with a judgemental glare in her eyes. "And you are?", She asked.

Luka's p.o.v .......

I was done setting up for my parents date. The sun was about to set and neither of them were here yet ............. and I can't believe my dad let me prepare everything by myself!

It was his idea.

"Hey, son", my dad said, suddenly appearing behind me.

"Well, you're here early", I joked sarcastically.

"Sorry, I got held up at a meeting with Bob Roth ........... God, I hate that guy", he said, frowning.

I laughed.

"Are you sure these are your mom's favorite flowers?", he asked, moving towards the dinner table and inspecting it.

He seemed awkward.

"I am", I replied.

"Are you nervous?", I added, smirking.

"I haven't gone on a date with your mom in seventeen years .......... Of course I'm nervous", he said sighing.

"Well, don't be. Everything will go great. Mom will definitely love it", I assured my dad, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Thanks, son", he said, smiling. I smiled back. "I better get going before mom gets here", I said packing up my things. My dad nodded.

I bumped into my mom as I made my way down the stairs. Her hair was in a loose bun and she was wearing a beautiful yellow dress.

Her dress reminded me of that girl I met earlier.

'I hope she's okay ', I thought to myself. She just left so suddenly, it made me a little bit worried ............ and she didn't even tell me her name.

I didn't know why but I really wanted to see her again.

"Hey, honey", my mom said. She looked nervous as well.

"Hey .......... You look amazing", I complimented her.

"Thank you, Luka", she smiled. "Your dad is probably waiting for me, I should go", she said, moving past me.

"Oh, and have a good time", I called.

My mom stopped and turned around, "I will", she said, beaming. She gave me a small wave and continued walking up the steps.

Chloe's p.o.v .........

Did my own mom seriously just ask me who I am ?!

There was an obvious resemblance between the two of us and yet she still couldn't figure it out?!

"Who do you think I am?", I asked, frowning.

"A crazed fan", she said bluntly.

"A what ?! ......... I'm Chloe! Your daughter", I said, pointing at myself.

"Oh ...... You're Chloe?", She asked.

She ....... She looked ....... disappointed.

"I ...... I ....."

"What is that!?", My mom yelled, gesturing at the daisy in my hand.

I didn't even realize that I was still holding it.

"A flower, obviously", I said, rolling my eyes.

"Well, if you're really my daughter, you would know how much I hate flowers ....... especially daisies", she said, glaring at me.

Wha ....... what?! How could she say that?!

How was I supposed to know that she hated flowers when I haven't seen or talked to her in eight years ?!!

What kind of human being even hates flowers ?!

"Well, if you're really my mom, you would know how much I hate unnecessary bitchiness which is exactly what you're displaying right now!!", I lashed out.

Shit! Why did I say that?

It was so ironic how I was mad at her for "displaying unnecessary bitchiness" when that's what I've been displaying my enter life.

Her eyes widened.

"I ..... I didn't m ...... mean .......", I began, trying to apologise but my mom cut me off.

"Get. Out.", She commanded through gritted teeth.

"But I....",

"Get out now!!!", She screamed, banging her fist on the vanity table.

Why did I ever leave Luka ?

I would've stayed at the Eiffel tower if I knew that this was what I would be coming home to ............ I guess Kim was right ......... my mom is a bitch.

I angrily walked out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

It All Started With A Flower (Lukloe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now