Happy Birthday

484 12 4

Wednesday, 1st May
Current year .........

Today's my birthday but now ....... even my dad was too busy to wish me a happy birthday ....... It's ..... It's not like it mattered anyway. I didn't need my dad to say those useless words for me to feel special on my birthday.

"Have a nice day, Mademoiselle Chloe", Jean Pascal said as he parked the car in front of my school.

"What ever", I muttered, stepping out of the limo. Jean Claude had also forgotten that it was my birthday.

'Best personal butler ever ', I sarcastically thought to myself.

He's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

A few of my pathetic schoolmates who were standing outside the building, glared at me as I climbed up the steps.

"I know I'm unbelievably gorgeous but staring at me won't help you come close to my level of beauty", I said in a loud voice, flipping my hair.

Everyone just rolled their eyes and went back to what they were doing.


I scoffed before walking into the school building. The hallway was kinda empty.

I can't believe I came this early when I could have been at home having my much needed beauty sleep.

I ...... I guess I just wanted to get out of the house.

As I made my way through the halls, someone bumped into me from behind.

It was Kim!

"Watch where you're going, you idiot!", I yelled. He didn't even apologise, he just snickered and walked away.

That bastard!

I opened the door to the locker room and saw Sabrina laughing with Alya and DJ boy.

'Traitor', I thought.

Our eyes met but immediately they did, the smile on Sabrina's face vanished.

I quickly looked away. The three of them were silent. "Don't let me interrupt your, oh so precious, moment of foolishness", I said as I strolled over to my locker. Sabrina and her "new friends" burst out laughing even more than they were before as I arranged the books I didn't need in my locker.

I had my back to them.

'What on earth was so funny?', I thought, rolling my eyes.

When I was done, I grabbed my bag and made my way to Miss Mendeliav's class, leaving those giggling idiots behind.

I walked into the scanty classroom, sat down and took out my phone.

Might as well pass time by watching cat videos.

Half an hour passed and more students began trooping into the classroom.

Annoying chatter could be heard and the halls started getting busy ........ but I noticed something weird.

Anyone who entered the class and sat behind me would suddenly start laughing.

Tch! They're all crazy!

Soon enough the bell rang and classes commenced.

"Now, everyone go sit by your lab partner and wait for second period. I'll be right back", Miss Mendeliav instructed before she left.

Everyone stood up to sit with their partners but my partner, unfortunately, was that clumsy baker girl and she wasn't here yet so I remained seated ...... alone.

Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

Marinette's p.o.v ......

"I'm gonna be so late", I panicked. "Thanks a lot Hawk Moth", I said sarcastically as Tikki was busy munching on a macaroon in my slightly opened purse.

Adrien's p.o.v .......

"I'm about to miss first period!", I said, checking my watch. "I'm gonna be in so much trouble", I complained, increasing my pace. Plagg just ignored me while stuffing his face with Camembert. "You're the one who chose to go to school. Just run faster", he finally spoke up. "Very helpful", I said, rolling my eyes.

Chloe's p.o.v ......

Miss Mendeliav came back a while later and after a few minutes, the bell for the beginning of second period was rung.

"We're going to the lab now so everyone form a single file", Miss Mendeliav said.

This woman always treats us as if we were in kindergarten. 'Single file'.


We all, reluctantly, stood up and did as we were told. I was in the front, as always. We all made our way to the science lab with Miss Mendeliav leading us. Still no sight of my "partner".

We had spent some minutes in the lab before Marinette and Adrien burst through the door like Usain bolt.

Alya smirked at the sight of the two of them together.


"I'm letting this slide once! This better not happen again", Miss Mendeliav warned after they both gave their flimsy excuses.

Adrien went to sit beside Alix, who was his lab partner while Marinette hesitantly sat beside me.

"Miss Mendeliav, please report to the principal's office", Mr Damocles announced through the school's telecom.

"What now?", She muttered before leaving.

As soon as Miss Mendeliav left, Alya spoke up, "Hey, Chloe. You've got a little something on your back", she said trying to stifle her laughter.


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