CHAPTER 2: Not while I'm around

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Mr Todd drops his razor on the ground and kneels to his wife's body. Holding her head gracefully between his two hands on his lap. Her body was pale and disgusting, her legs were broken from the fall through the trapdoor, chunks of her bottom lips were missing as if she bit them off and things were growing around her eyes and mouth. She had seen better days. Most disgusting of all to Mr. Todd. The clean cut from start to finish on her neck. The final blow he had delivered with his razor on his world.

Tears drip onto her lifeless grey skin as he begins to sing the ghost tale this town has sung repetitively about him and his poor wife, one final time.

"There was a barber and his wife... And she was beautiful... A foolish barber and his wife... she was his reason and his life. And she was beautiful... and he was..."

Before Todd could finish. He could hear Toby, Lovett's apprentice emerging from the sewers behind him. Toby heard and saw everything. The woman he loved as a mother burned alive. By the same man who killed his last provider, signor Pereli. Toby slowly tiptoes towards the razor Todd had dropped earlier and quietly. He approached the beast. The beast sang his little lullaby to a diseased corpse. The same enraged fires which have once filled Todd's eyes, now gleam and glow in the eyes of the poor innocent boy. Eyes full of rage and hatred and murderous intent.
The boy's eyes watered in anger, this monster took his reason and his life. He was going to end Mr. Todd. Forever. Todd continued singing to his beloved Lucy as his doom crept closer. One step. Two steps. The young 12-year-old boy pulls out the razor and is ready to strike. Three steps. Four steps. Five steps. If only he was as quiet as Mr. Todd... when the boy was right behind the demon, the demon would stop singing. Raising his neck. He knew he was there. And he had accepted his death. To reunite with his beloved Lucy. Or so Toby had thought.

Just as Toby was about to strike, Todd grabbed the boy's wrist and slowly turned his head to the boy with an unamused angry look. "I believe that's mine, boy..." Todd's crushing force squeezed onto Toby's wrist. "Ow! Let go of me!" Toby jerked and struggled to escape Todd's clutches. Eventually, Toby couldn't handle the pain and dropped the razor out of his hand. Todd lays his wife's head on the ground gently and begins to emerge. Toby rose off the ground the more the pale beast grabbing his wrist stood up. "Let go of me I say!" The boy aimlessly tries to kick and punch the fearsome tall man. "I told Lovett to send you up to me so I can take care of you. That twit had always had a soft spot for ya and suggested you apprentice for her instead." Mr. Todd spoke sinisterly and dryly. "I suppose now you want to join 'er. Who am I to separate a boy and his motherly figure?" He grabs his razor and grins, as he's about to land a hit on the boy, Toby kicks the man with all his might in his stomach, making Todd have to drop him onto the ground. "WHY YOU LITTLE TWAT!" Todd screamed.

When Toby opens his eyes. He feels lightheaded, he can smell blood everywhere. The left side of his face feels numb. He then realised to his horror. Only one of his eyes was working. Todd had missed the boy's throat and sliced through his left eye. The boy begins to panic and he sees the tall silhouette of Todd wipe off blood from his mouth. "You thought you could kill me, lad? When my work is not yet complete?" Todd asks Toby menacingly, leaning to the right a little and limping towards the boy. "Stay back, you fiend!" Toby screams at the shadow approaching him. On his shaky limbs, Toby forces himself to get up, adrenaline pumping through his veins, running away up the stairs to the door out of the wretched furnace room. Todd limps faster after the frightened boy. Toby screams and pleads for help in hopes that anyone beyond the door can hear him. He was almost there! Toby almost made it to the exit! But Todd was catching up, screaming and growling like a beast. "Hurry!" A soft and feminine voice pleaded beyond the door as a hand reached out to grab Toby's arm.

"No you don't!" Todd growls as he grabs the boy's foot and starts to pull, Toby trips and hits his head on the wall. A nasty hit but not enough to knock him out. Toby regains balance and kicks off of his shoe as Mr Todd falls back a little with Toby's shoe now in his hand. Todd throws the shoe behind him and returns to pursue the young lad with a horrifying and haunting scream of fury. Toby was 4 steps away! The woman's arm grabs and pulls Toby out, slamming the door shut leaving an enraged animalistic Todd screaming and banging on the metal doors of the basement.

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