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There was a barber and his wife. And she was beautiful. A foolish barber and his wife, she was his reason and his life. There was another man who saw that she was beautiful. A pious vulture of the law. With a gesture of his claw. Removed the barber from his plate. But that was oh so many years ago.

15 years ago. London's most skilful barber Benjamin Barker was exiled by the cruel Judge Turpin in an attempt to win over the poor barber's wife, Lucy. Frustrated at being shut down so many times by Lucy, Turpin lures the poor thing into his home where she was raped at a ball. Everyone watched and laughed as she screamed for mercy. It wasn't long after when Lucy poisoned herself, leaving the malicious pervert Turpin in custody of her daughter Joana.

15 years later. 1785. Barker was back. A new man, going by the name of Sweeney Todd. On his way back to the hole in the world full of shit known as London, Todd meets young sailor Anthony, who helps Todd return. As Todd revisits his old home and workplace, he finds that the bottom floor has been sold to lustful widow Mrs Lovett, a meat pie baker who makes the worst pies in London. Lovett was quick to discover Todd was none other than vengeful barber Benjamin Barker. Lovett agrees to let Mr. Todd live in his old barbershop.

After challenging a local barber, Todd now has some beef with Adolfo Pereli, the so-called "king of barbers and barber of kings." Who is revealed to be none other than Barker's old apprentice, Davey. Davey blackmails Todd to reveal his identity, but clearly, Davey has never heard of the saying; You can't threaten a man who has nothing to lose. Davey was dead faster than you could say 'meat pies'. Leaving nothing behind but a purse and his abused worker boy, Toby. Davey's demise has sparked the idea of reusing the flesh of Todd's victims to make Lovett's pies.

And before you knew it, both Todd and Lovett's were the biggest businesses in all of London. All men who dare shave alone at Todd's become fresh meat pies. Meanwhile, Anthony, the young sailor who is now smitten by Todd's daughter after knowing her name from the crazy beggar woman of Fleet Street (of course he doesn't know that it's Todd's daughter). Anthony plots with Todd to steal away Joana so they can live happily ever after, uncaged. However… Sweeney has different plans for the young lad once he brings him his daughter…

Todd tells the judge about the boy's attempt to free the imprisoned Joana, luring Turpin to his death trap at the barbershop, similar to how the vulture had once lured Barker's wife to his trap. Turpin was no more. Todd violently vandalised the judge's throat, and he was thrown down through the trapdoor to the furnace room, where Mrs. Lovett, with a broken heart, had to lock away Toby, who was like a son to her. The boy started to become suspicious of Mr. Todd and she had no choice.

Anthony brings Joana to hide at Todd's barber shop, where she hides in a chest when she hears someone coming. The beggar woman. She has been looking for Todd to warn him of how suspicious Lovett was, unaware that Todd was the mastermind. Which ends up getting her killed and down the trapdoor. That's where our story resumes.

Sweeney Todd: The Madness of Mr Todd (SCRAPPED) Where stories live. Discover now