Funhouse Frazzled

Start from the beginning

"CUPHEAD!" Mugamn shouted, "Stop messing about, we have a puzzle to solve!"

"Well you can solve the puzzle if you want," Cuphead said, balancing on top of a stack of foam cubes," I'm gonna actually have some fun in this funhouse."

Mugman then continued to search the room, looking for any kind of way to get to the next room while Cuphead continued to play with the foam cubes.


Mugman turned towards the sound and saw his brother standing, holding a foam cube, poking a brightly coloured spot on one of the sides.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" boomed a voice," You have passed the first test!

The Cups wheeled around to see, where there had once been an ordinary wall, a giant face, that was staring right at them.

"Who are you?" Cuphead asked.

"Me?" the wall face replied, "i'm just one of the many that keep this Funhouse running and happy. Isn't that right guys."

In reply, a roar of joyous whoops and cheers erupted from all around them.

"Now continue on your quest," said the wall face, "and most importantly, have fun."

With that final statement, the face melted back into the wall, its eyes becoming abstract colourful patterns in the paint and its mouth becoming a door that wasn't there before.

"Well that was easy enough," Mugman remarked, "now the next challenge will be harder so i need you to concentrate and..."

"Eb eb eb eb ," Cuphead interrupted (I know that looked weird but just sounded it out.)," the only reason we found that one was from my goofing off."

"That was just your stupendous luck!" Mugman exclaimed," it's not good to just depend on luck. I hope you remember what happened when you bet our lives on a game of chance and lost Now let's go through that door already."

Cuphead grabbed a foam cube in each hand before following his brother through the door and into the next room. The room seemed to consist entirely of a large tube that seemed to continue forever. Mugman stepped onto the metal surface of the tube and was startled when it began to slowly but steadily rotate.

"Oh, i've seen this one!" Cuphead exclaimed," it's called a "barrel of fun". It just spins and spins like this."

Cuphead bolted into the tunnel and began to play about, throwing the foam blocks around, running up the walls and sliding about. Mugman on the other hand was pondering how to escape this section. He looked down the seemingly infinite tunnel and thought to himself that the exit must be down there.

Mugman turned and began to walk down the tunnel. He managed to go about 10 metres before he saw a brightly coloured foam cube fly past his head. He turned around and was hit full in the face with a foam block.

"HAHAHAHA!" Cuphead laughed, "the look on your face!"

Mugman smiled slyly at his brother and then picked up the foam block that lay at his feet and flung it at his brother. The cube bounced off Cuphead's forehead, pupils pinballing his pupils around his eyes. Cuphead blinked and shook his head, shaking off the daze.

"oh you've done it now buddy ol' boy!" Cuphead exclaimed, grabbing his brightly coloured ammunition. Mugman also reached back and grabbed the other cubic weapon.

The battle that ensued was of biblical proportions. Foam munitions flew through the air like heralds of doom, smiting the recipient with pain unimaginable.

Mugman flung one such soft cube and his brother, but the shot flew high, hitting the roof of the tube and...

Sticking to it?

The Cuphead Show! Season 4Where stories live. Discover now