a/n: I am so sorry!

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I am so sorry! I know I haven't published a chapter in 5 months and wanted to explain why... I wasn't really good at publishing chapters, mainly because it was a lot of work I usually had to force myself to do even though I really enjoy writing stories. For the past two months, I've been really going through more than I was when I started this book. I've dealt with and witnessed more deaths this month than I have in a few years. I witnessed a very traumatic experience that has truly fucked me up and caused me to have writer's block. I haven't been able to write a single thing in almost two months and I'm not handling it very well. I'm also going back and forth from my mom and dad's house again and have been couch-surfing for the last month. 

I don't have a TV to use to be able to write the story and I have honestly been considering just deleting the whole thing even though this book has brought me so much happiness and is the only one I've been actually proud of. And it makes me so happy that so many people have read and enjoyed this book and if it wasn't for you all I wouldn't still be writing it. I never expected so many people to read it when I originally published it. All the people that enjoy this book you all are the reason I'm going to do my best to finish this book. With getting me enrolled into school instead of being homeschooled I will not have as much time as I did the year before and with being almost completely homeless is making this ten times harder. 

I don't want this to be too long so I'm going to leave it here but I just wanted to give you guys an explanation on why there hasn't been a chapter in 5 months. I will do my best to get a chapter or two written and published for you guys. And again I am so fucking sorry! I appreciate all of you!

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