Chapter 13

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I sat down at my desk with a stack of blank paper and envelopes. I wrote one to my friends, mom, dad, and Betty. The only one I didn't write is Jugheads and I still haven't figured out if I want to write Fp one yet. 

Dear Jughead, 

I  have thought a lot about what I was going to say but still haven't found the right words. I know things between us have been weird since we don't really talk anymore but you still deserve a letter. I'm going to be leaving town with Jake tomorrow and I don't know when I'll be back or if I'll ever come back. I have some much going on and need a break. I know you won't be happy with me but it's what I think is best right now. You're my best friend and always will be but I can't be here anymore. 

I love you Jug but I need to get away. I know running from my problems won't fix them but at least I'll have time to think. I am still on the edge about if I'm going or not so if your reading this then I'm probably already gone. I wish we could have spent more time together before I left but you just had so much on your plate so I let you be. I'll never forget you Forsythe the 3rd. And please be safe with the black hood out there. I wish there was more to say but there isn't. I'll be gone by 6 I hope you understand.

                                                                                     Love Y/n <3

(Pretend it was a longer letter.) 

After I finished Jugs letter I decided to write Fp one. I wasn't sure if I was going to or not but I thought that since he was a part of my life he should get one.

Dear Fp,

There's so much I want to say to you but such little time. I wasn't sure if I was going to write this or not but I felt like you should get one. It didn't feel right leaving without telling you goodbye. I'll be leaving with Jake tomorrow at 6 and I don't know if I'll be back or not. So I'm going to tell you the things I've wanted to tell you since I meet you. When we first met I wasn't sure about us, and I knew it was a one-time thing since we both were drunk. I thought you'd forget but you didn't and I don't know how I feel about keeping it from Jughead. I thought I'd tell him before something drove us apart but I guess he'll never know. Which is probably for the best. I don't want to ruin the relationship you guys worked on or the relationship me and him had. 

I also want to tell you that you were my first love. I don't know why and you probably don't even like me in that way anyways but I wanted you to know. You mean so much to me even though we could never be with each other even if you did like me. While I'm gone I hope everything goes good. Also, stay safe, please. I'll always love you Fp...

                                                                                       Love Y/n

After I finished his letter then I packed my bags and sat in bed reading a book. I wasn't sure I was making the right choice but it's what I was going to do. I think. Maybe I should stay and be with my family. I was sitting when I got a text from Tony saying Fangs was shot. I can't wait till I'm out of here. It will be nice having a little break. I also heard that it wasn't safe to be out but I needed to be there for Jug. I needed to see him to make sure he was ok even if its the last time I see him. Once I got there I seen Jughead leave. Damn it what's the point of this? What's the point of trying to see him or even talk to him if he's busy? I give but I'm going home. Once I got home I went to my room. 

I was so tired of all of this shit going on. Then I got a call from Betty. "Hello?" I said. "Where are you?" She asked. "I'm at home why?" I asked. "Ok stay there I'm on my way be careful I think dads on his. I'll text you once I'm there." She said and hung up about 20 minutes later Betty texted me shes home. I walk downstairs to see her walking into the kitchen. "Hello? Dad?" Betty called out. We seen blood everywhere. It was him Betty told me everything and we were right dads the Black Hood. Me and Betty cleaned up all the blood and stuff. Who knew this was something We'd have to do more than once? 

After we finished Betty's phone rang it was an unknown number. She answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hello?" She asked "Betty, it's Fp. I'm at Riverdale General, is Jug with you?" He asked. "Mr. Jones, no, I--I don't know where he is." She said. "All right, if you see him, you tell him I'm looking for him, okay?" He asked. "Of course, I will." She tells him. "Also, uh... Betty, they just brought your old man into the ER" He said. "My dad? Is he hurt badly?" She asks. "I don't know. He's bleeding quite a bit. You want me to check on him?" He asked. "No." We both said. "That's okay, Mr. Jones we're on our way." Betty said. Once we got to the hospital we went up to the deck and got his room number. We quickly walk to his room and walk in seeing a dead doctor in the bed. I let out a small scream not expecting to see another dead body. 

My hands quickly found their way to my mouth so I didn't make another noise. Then the phone rings like always. Betty creeps over to the phone and answers it. Now we're running back home oh god this is a nightmare. We run through the doors praying moms ok. "Mom/ Mom, where are you?" We call. "Girls, thank God you're okay. I've been calling you. Where have you been?" She said. "Mom, is dad here?" I ask. "Quick, is he here or is he not? Where is he?" Betty asks. "Yeah, honey. Why?" She asks. "What--what's going on?" She asks. "We have to go." I say. "What?" Mom says. "We Have to leave." Betty says. "We have  to go." Betty said again. "Girls!" 

"We have to go." We said. "Girls! You made it home." Dad said from behind us making us turn around. "Your dad has some crazy idea to show us old home movies. I figured we'd indulge him since we're practically on lock-down anyways." Mom says looking at us. "What's wrong?" She asks but we stay silent. "Well, I'm just happy we're all here as a family. Sit down, girls. I think you're really going to enjoy this."Dad says. We sit down and look at the home movie he puts in. "Now, remember, I'm making this movie so we never forget what your daddy sacrificed for us. You do love your daddy, don't you, Harold?" A woman spoke. "Yes, mom." Said the little boy I'm guessing was dad. "And you want your Daddy to keep living with us?" She said. "Yes, mom." The kid spoke. "I don't understand, what are we watching? Is that you, Hal?" Mom asked. 

"It is." Dad spoke. "Your daddy did something very noble, Harold. He took care of that Conway family. They were sinners. And what happens to sinners?" The woman asked. "Sinners have to die." The kid said. "Oh, my God!" Betty and I whisper. "What is this, a snuff film?" Mom asks. "Shut the hell up, Alice, for once in your life!"He said. "That's right. Now, That little Conway boy who survived, they're going to ask him who killed his family. He needs to point out somebody, anybody, but not daddy. Because we don't want daddy to be taken away from us, do we?" Said the woman. "No, I love my daddy" He said. "So you have to help him. Make sure that when they ask the Conway boy who he saw kill his family, make sure he doesn't say daddy." She said.

"Can you do that, Harold? Convince him?" She said. "I think so." He said. "you're a good boy, Hal. Your father let him escape, but you, you will do better. You must do better." She said then it ended. "Take out your tape recorder, Alice. I need you to record this." Dad said. "The Conways, that was the family that was murdered 40 years ago?" Mom asked. "Yes. Oh, my God!" Betty said. "Take it out!" He yelled making us all jump. "And I want to tell my story. No, our story, really. First, to clear something up. Your Great-Grandpappy Cooper wasn't murdered by his brother, like some dog. He was the killer. He killed Great-Grandpappy Blossom and then took on the Cooper name to create a new identity for himself. For us." He said.

"What does that have to do with the Conways?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "The Conways knew our secret. And Mr. COnway blackmailed my father, your Grandpappy."He said. "So grandpa killed them?" Betty asked. "They were sinners, Betty." He said. "Even the children?" Betty asked. "Well, there was one survivor. The Conways' boy, Joseph." He said. "Mr.Svenson, who you convinced to accuse an innocent man." Betty said. "Joseph was easy to manipulate. as a boy and as a man." He said. "What are you telling us? Hal, that--" Mom started. "That I have a darkness, Alice. The same darkness my father had, the same darkness his father had. And now, it lives in Betty. Our daughter." He said.  "Who am I, Betty? Say it." He said.  She shook her head but it only made him madder. "Say who I am!" He yelled making her jump. 

I sat there quietly as a tear slid down my face. "You're the Black Hood." She said softly. "That's right. Now say what I did." He said. "You... shot Mr. Andrews. You killed Ms. Grundy, the sugarman, Midge, Dr. Masters... But the debate--" Betty said. "Was not me. I can't take credit for that." He said. 

a/n: I wasn't going to post this until I  finished this part of the episode but I felt bad since I suck at publishing chapters. So here you go <3

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