A Mischievous Moon

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You've been working mostly with Sun for a while, but you were suddenly put on the night shift one day.

Moon, was....he was surprisingly quiet but would follow you around, giving you either absolutely no space whatsoever or he would hide in the shadows and scare you! Moon had a very mischievous nature apparently...And you had no idea how it got there unless it was where Sun was made to be opposite and all that alone time just made Moon...Moon....(Lol).

There you were, walking around the ball pit where you of course had thought that Moon was behind you but a sudden chill hit your back, looking back you groaned in annoyance and defeat, slightly yelling. 

"Moon, not today please." 

You shined the flashlight around the ball pit, and you could have sworn you saw a few balls scatter and bounce off of each other....slowly walking over...You crouched down swooshing the flashlight in every direction.

You smiled thinking that for once Moon had slipped up! 

"Oh, Moon." You said in a sing-song tune. 

Leaning closer into the ball pit, your eyes widened and you suddenly screamed, falling whole body first (lol) into the pit of balls. 

You laid there for a moment, to purposely taunt Moon, surely if he thought that you were actually hurt he would care and stop right?.....


Nope!. You pushed your body up slightly, still lying in the pit, Moon was centimeters from your face, and his never-ending smile seemed to somehow look even bigger than it already did. 

(He can't move his mouth in this one)

Moon chuckled, he placed an ice-cold metallic finger on your nose and booped it, running off to go hide again. 

You sighed. 

"Such a mischievous Moon...."

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