Love Bug 🐞

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Putting the kids to sleep was an extremely hard task but luckily you had Moon to help, not only was he a terrifying figure when in his serious mode, but he was also much more gentler than you could ever be, and his voice, oh his voice made you swoon!.....
Of course you would never tell him that and being a robot you thought it might be awkward since he probably can't have any actual feelings like humans do.
You were leaned against the daycares tunnels the children use to play before nap time, hiding in a quite secluded area...You liked to be alone sometimes to process your thoughts but of course they were interrupted when you looked over and saw Moons face merely just a few centimeters away from yours, you were about to scream but as a squeak came out Moons hand covered your mouth, putting up a finger he signaled for you to shush.
His hand went from your mouth to your shoulder and his face got even closer!.
You couldn't help but blush, Moon noticed this and placed a hand on your right cheek, tracing a finger across the blush making it even worse!.
Moon frowned.
He said worriedly.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were sick?."
You grabbed a hold of his hand, his still on your cheek and leaned into it.
*Should I tell him?.*
You thought.
*I can't keep doing this to him....he's gonna malfunction....*
You took a deep breathe and prepared to be immensely embarrassed.
"Yes Moon I think I am sick...I-I...I am sick with the love bug..."
Moons expressions turned to worry and confusion.
He had never heard the word love before.
"How do you get rid of it?."
He asked.
You pulled his hand away and placed both hands on each side of his ice cold, face.
"This...might be the only way and...I'm sorry if you don't like it."
You said as you slowly but hesitantly leaned in and kissed Moon.
Moons eyes widened but then he placed his arms around your waist, melting into the kiss.
Once you pulled away, you were shocked to see that Moon appeared to be...blushing as well?.
But his cheeks were blue instead of a reddish/pink.
You asked nervously.
"Are you okay?."
Moon put a hand on his cheek.
"I think you're contagious."
He said.
You asked starting to freak out.
"I-You've given me the love bug (y/n)....I-...
Moon was still holding onto your waist with one hand.
Moon pushed you against the play structure, trapping you between him and the tunnels.
"Can you do it again?."

Shimmering Starlight ~ Moon X Reader OneShotsWhere stories live. Discover now