The DragonBorn Wakes Up

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Hey. It's me again. I wouldn't be surprised if you don't remember me. I mean, you know who I am. But you don't know that you know. I can't talk very often I'm afraid. I can only speak when I am needed to clean up the mess these people make...

A lot of things are going to start happening in extremely quick succession, and for that, I apologize.

This is the moment, in my eyes, when it all came to a head. At this moment the lava is discovered, as you know by now. But something else happens at this moment as well...

Krow wakes up. Not the portal-jumping one, to clear up any confusion, the one who's recently lost an arm. It awakes less than gracefully; shooting out of bed like a rocket, soaked through with its own blood, now dry and falling out of its hair in crimson flakes. A gory stub is all that remains of its missing limb.

It does not get out of bed. No that is way too kind of a word. It stumbles, trips, and flounders its way into an upright position by luck and by chance. You can't even blame it really. Having one armless tends to throw someone off balance. It slowly gets used to the light of the fake day and the gleam of the fake sun as it half-falls into the corridor.

The corridor where it looks up and makes eye contact with Redoons. It hasn't really talked to Red much but one glasses-wearing confidant is decidedly better than no confidant at all so...

You know how this story goes. Krow angrily vents everything about Owen to Red; ticking all of Owen's crimes off of a mental list, while storming through the halls toward the clearing with an unprecedented amount of wrath behind each footfall.

"He tried to kill me!"

"Killed Guts!"

"Killed Apo!"

Every single demon in the glade.

Red leads the way back while following Krow's rant. Disbelief. Then sadness. Then silent outrage; the deadliest kind of outrage in my humble opinion.

Both of their eyes are shielded by either thick tufts of hair or pitch-black sunglasses, but if you could see them I can assure you; you would see fire hidden in their pupils. Anger in its purest form. Suddenly Red has a path, and there is a certain direction set in front of him where there wasn't one before. No more mindless wandering, he needs justice for Apo. Krow on the other hand needs revenge for itself.

The differences in their motives don't matter all too much in the long run honestly. They say that the enemy of your enemy is your friend. And so at that moment Red and Krow are one and the same.

They are enemies of Owen.

Greacie has awoken from her slumber by now and is sitting by the campfire with Magic, listening to all the things that happened while she was incapacitated. All the stories that were told. Stories that she was unfortunately unable to bear witness to. She nods along politely; her legs have figured out how to walk again, but her mouth hasn't re-learned how to speak. They're just getting into the story of how Draxy exists in the clearing, when Spidey rushes up to them, asking them if they have water; any water at all. It's less of a request and more of a desperate plea frankly.

Magic rushes off, telling Greacie to wait by the campfire because she still recovering. And maybe Magic is right, but Greacie still wishes she could do something to help.

Greacie honestly isn't surprised though. The first thing she comes back to is a problem sure, but that's honestly just a given with these people.

Spidey's panic spreads, rather ironically, like wildfire.

People anywhere and everywhere in the clearing drop their, conversations, fruit picking, crop gathering, baking, and building and instead lend up their water buckets to the cause.

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