The First Night

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Krow turns in a slow circle, examining its surroundings. Twists of vines were creeping up some of the walls and crawling out of cracks in the stonework. The occasional pocket of lava dots the area it's in and every once in a while, it can see the liquid fire trickling down the walls. In front of it, a conglomeration of signs, crafting tables, and crates, barley stands. A campsite of sorts. The tents are made out of a deep gray fabric, frayed at the edges, and stained with something red. The red substance has also been tracked along the floor in some places, leaving suspicious-looking footprints that indicate a frequently traveled path.

To its right is some kind of door-like opening leading into a lush, green jungle. From what it can see, some leaves and branches have been torn away to make it easier to navigate.

Good. There are people here. It didn't know what it was going to do if it was dropped in a world with no one to help.

To its left is another trickle of lava and a simple stone corridor leading into something Krow couldn't quite see from where it was standing, and behind it were two levers. Both with wooden arms and stone handles, connected to a coppery piece of machinery at the base. Moss was creeping upon them and they were coated in a considerable amount of dust as if they hadn't been touched in ages. Both were already pulled into the down position. As it got closer its gaze flickered to the sign above.

A sturdy simple wood sign, bolted to the wall, just as dust-covered as the levers. The text was less written, and more scrawled out in black ink as if hastily made. It had gotten closer with the intent of messing with the levers, out of curiosity mostly, but the sign, simple as it was, made it freeze.

One for Mercy

One for Death

It hears a soft, high-pitched clicking and realizes without even looking the Lav is a bat again. He makes himself comfortable in Krow's two-toned hair.

"Lav?" It says, mesmerized by the levers and only halfway through processing the silent threat in the words of the sign.

"Yeah?" Lav responds shifting slightly on top of Krow's head.

"Do you think we should pull it?"

"Yeah." Lav deadpans.

Krow stoops down next to the lever on the right, brushing the layer of dust off before wrapping one hand around the top of the lever and yanking it upward. When it lets go the lever simply falls back into place with the hollow cleaning of machinery turning that's not connected to anything.

"It didn't do anything." Lav states, sounding almost sad that the world didn't erupt into chaos.

"Did you want it to?" Krow questions, carefully standing up to not knock Lav off of its head.


They spend the rest of the day thoroughly searching the campsite. Most of the barrels and chests are picked clean, and anything that isn't gone is unusable. Still, they salvage what they can, intently searching for anything remotely useful. All the while coming up with theories about the world they jumped to, and coming up with questions to ask when they find Mabel again.

"What's with the walls?"

"What are the levers?"

"Why is there no return portal?"

Most of those questions they probably wouldn't be able to answer, or wouldn't want to answer but-

Oh [redacted]-

A return portal...

"There's no return portal..." Krow feels stupid at the realization.

Lav does the bat equivalent of a shrug, "Yeah, there isn't" He says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

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