Figures In The Dark

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As Krow gets closer to its house it can't shake the overwhelming feeling that it's being watched. Like, intensely watched; possibly even followed. Yet every time it calls out or turns around, nothing and no one is there.

I𝘵𝘴 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘢 𝘒𝘳𝘰𝘸. 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘥.

But the feeling doesn't go away.

It starts to move it little faster toward its house. Accidentally shakes Lav off and has to stop and pick him up and apologize and explain.

"I think we're being followed..."

"So...?" Lav questions; shifting into a wolf, and trotting along beside Krow; having deemed this more effective than slithering along as a snake.

"No one follows people through the woods at night for any sane reason!"

Lav shrugs, unconcerned. " I'll just bite them"

"No! Lav you can't just-" Korw pauses to consider something. "Could you do that actually?


Even with the promise of some sort of protection, the nervous feeling doesn't waver even once. It walks even more slowly, scanning the trees and the underbrush for any sign of life. There is none; except for a few bees nonchalantly buzzing around their hive.

The voices don't feel good about any of this either. It hadn't really paid attention to the voices in a while; being able to tune them out and all. Yet, even they were uncomfortable. As if they could sense something was about to happen.

Krow warily approaches its humble abode. Its notebook is exactly where it left it; face down on the bed. It makes sure to write down the new names that it hasn't had a chance to yet. Mostly everyone from "clearing two", that's where it had come from apparently.

It didn't want to fall asleep really. The "I'm being followed" feeling had only grown stronger in time. But at some point, it just couldn't stay awake. Its eyelids got a bit too heavy. Sitting up felt like a chore.

It eventually resigns to sleep, with Lav curled up by its side, it takes one final look around before slipping into unconsciousness.

Never once did it occur to Krow to look up.


Aish rappels down the wall swiftly and silently in the dead of night. The dark material that their Starr headquarters mandated armor is made of provides great defense, but also stellar camouflage on missions like this. They slink through the forest and pause as they approach the wooden shack Krow calls its house.

After some deliberation, they decide to just take the door. Everything is just as they expected it would be. Krow's asleep; some kind of animal, a dog upon closer inspection, is at its side. It's both fascinating and confusing how often said animal changes across the cameras. So often in fact, that it's become a Headquater-wide debate.

Some watchers insist that this "new Krow", as they've been calling it, has a pet bat. Others say it's a spider, a snake, or a cat. The loonier Starr affiliates have even come up with some wild theories about shape-shifting. Aish couldn't care less.

They prepare two tranquilizer darts. One for Krow, the other for backup, just in case. Inserting the little tracking chips that are in each and every Outsider is a simple procedure. Get in while it's asleep and get out. The chips are small enough to inject. Feats of engineering magic really.Aish doesn't bother shooting the tranquilizer, instead just holding it and embedding it into Krows shoulder (The uninjured one), and waits as it starts to take effect.

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