"You hate history." Kirishima raised a brow.


"You told Midoriya you liked history. You hate history. You're bad at it too. You got a 65 in the last test."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, smirking. "Tsk, I'm not bad at it, I just don't pay attention. And yeah, I know." Kirishima frowned, "Why?"

"Because that dumbass takes everything seriously. Now that I told him that I actually like history, and that I'm good at it, he's gonna take it seriously and prepare himself to be better."

"So, you're basically manipulating him into thinking you're better?" Kirishima sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, it'll be funny, alright?" Katsuki shoved him lightly.

Izuku actually ran way from Katsuki because they were getting looks. He could even see some if them whispering and smirking. Which he didn't like at all. He wanted to know what they were talking about. He wanted to know what they're saying, and when he didn't, it would worry the shit out of him.

Izuku then suddenly remembered how Katsuki told him he was really good at history. That's it. He had to prove him wrong, this sudden competition urged through his body and because of that, there's no way he'd settle for anything below a 95.

So there he was, studying hard for this stupid history test.

Sometimes Katsuki would have to drag him to come and eat as he would just stay in his dorm all evening. But it was all worth it in Izuku's opinion.

And finally, Thursday rolled around, and it was time for their test. Katsuki came in all confident, while Izuku walked is as hell. He even started muttering some of the stuff he learnt, even though he couldn't hear it.

Katsuki was the first person to hand in the test, in an oddly short amount of time taken as well. Izuku on the other hand, forgot everything the moment he saw the test paper, so took his time as he went through the questions.

The teacher was quick to finish grading their papers. They got their papers back on Monday.

Izuku gulped as he got his paper from the teacher. He closed his eyes shut, with the paper shaking in the clasp of his hands. He opened his right eye first.


Izuku's eyes widened, surely Katsuki can't get a better score than him... right?

"Hey, Kacchan, what'd you get?" Izuku tapped the blond's shoulder. Katsuki tched, looking down at his paper.

69. Katsuki had gotten a 69.

"Uh, what'd you get?" Katsuki asked. "What? But- I asked first." Izuku furrowed his eyebrows. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Don't be a baby, just tell me what you got."

Izuku averted his gaze, "A ninety-six."

Katsuki looked back down at his paper. Well shit.

"Oh, I got a ninety-seven. HAH. I won, stupid nerd."

"What?? I-I don't believe that— let me see." Izuku frowned, trying to snatch the paper away from him. Katsuki raised a brow, holding it away from the male. "Kacchan, that's not fair! I'll show you mine!"

Katsuki shook his head. "I don't care. I didn't ask you to show me yours because I trust you."

"But- But—"

"No." Katsuki turned back to the front of the class. Izuku groaned.

Katsuki would have to actually start to pay attention in class if he wanted to let Izuku look at his paper.

After that, the two made everything competitive. Hell, they even made peeing competitive. Yes. Peeing.

They were sort of... weird in their own ways, but the class loved them. Though, it did start to get annoying after some point.

"Kacchan, Kacchan! What'd you get on the test?!"

"A hundred, damn nerd!" Katsuki spoke with pride. He was really good at math and science, so obviously he'd pass.

"What? No way, I got a hundred too!" Izuku grinned.

Katsuki's eyes widened, "No way. I don't believe that. In Pre-Calculus?"

"Yeah! Pre-cal is super easy if you just study and remember the stuff needed." Izuku smiled softly.

Kirishima and Kaminari looked at each other, both with a 52 and a 65, then back at Izuku.

"I don't believe you, gimme your paper," Katsuki snatched the test paper from the greenette. "Surely you must've gotten something wrong." He began to examine it. "I didn't! You just don't like me being the same level as you." Izuku pointed out.

Katsuki grunted, walking over to their home teacher/math and science teacher. Aizawa. "Oi, check his paper again."

Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose. "I had this exact same discussion with you two the last time this class had a test." He sighed tiredly. "I've checked multiple times, especially you two's papers because of how much you bother me, I can assure you both of you got a hundred."

Katsuki frowned, "No, check it again. In front of me."

Izuku gasped. "What? No. If you're checking mine again," Izuku grabbed Katsuki's paper. "Check his as well."

After the 5th round if checking Aizawa glared at the two. "Both of you have a hundred. Got it?"

Izuku hesitated as he spoke, "Is there any way we ca—"

"No. No extra credit. Deal with it. Now go to lunch. The bell rang five minutes ago."

"It did?" Izuku looked confused. Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Oi, Deku. Race you to the cafeteria." Katsuki swiftly packed his bags.

"Wait- what? Wait!" Izuku wuickly packed his bags as well.

"No running in the- ah, fuck it." Aizawa sighed, getting his sleeping bag from the corner.

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