I Win.

501 17 155

They already had a test in their History class.

Izuku was more than confident he'd pass. History was one of his favorite subjects, and he'd always been an A+ student in it. (He pretty much liked every subject actually) However, when he met Katsuki, he started to doubt himself.

"Me? Oh hell yeah, I fuckin' love history." Katsuki smirked as him and Izuku walked together back to the dorms.

Crap, no one he's ever met had actually liked history. "You're joking right?" Izuku gulped, watching his lips.

"No, I totally do." Katsuki nodded. There he goes staring at my lips again. Katsuki thought to himself.

It's only fair if I stare back at his.

So Katsuki did the same. For a brief moment, he felt himself think of a flashback from earlier.

In Katsuki's eyes this guy was just a weirdo who liked to stare at people's lips, which was a red flag in his opinion. I mean, who the hell does that? he sure wouldn't. he would never. Ew. (Chapter 3)

And yet here he was, trying not to think of the fact that he actually enjoyed staring at Izuku's soft, plump looking lips.

Izuku's breath hitched when he noticed this tiny action. He swore he felt his heart skip a beat, immediately averting his gaze. What the hell was going on with him these days?

"Are you ready for the test on Thursday?" Izuku asked, he ended up walking a little ahead of him, and turned around, walking backwards so he could read Katsuki's lips.

"Psh, yeah. Could do it with my eyes closed." Katsuki spoke, making the shorter male frown. The frown just made Katsuki want to smirk even more.

"You—" but before Izuku could continue, he ended up tripping from a tiny hole in the ground, making him fall to the ground back first.

But he didn't.

Which is what surprised the male most.

He felt something ring around his waist, and hold him tight. Izuku eventually opened his eyes, and—


Katsuki looked so hot up close.

He could feel the blond's warm breath lightly fan over his face. "Clumsy ass." Katsuki mumbled, his eyes not leaving Izuku's.

Izuku gulped hard. They were so close...

(Pretty sure yall are tired of this lmao)

He cleared his throat, patting Katsuki's chest to let him go. "We should go. People are watching." He averted his gaze as Katsuki pulled him back up.

"A-Actually, nevermind. I uh, I have to... do something." Izuku excused himself.

Katsuki raised a brow. "Do what?"

"Y'know, uh... chemistry."

"We didn't have chemistry homework today." Katsuki folded his arms.

"S-Study for the test. Right. I have to go study for the history test." Izuku told him.

"But that's like, 3 days away—"

"It doesn't hurt to study earlier, Kacchan!" Izuku didn't even wait a second, and started sprinting away.

"Weirdo." Katsuki muttered to himself. Not even a minute had passed when Katsuki felt an arm wrap around his shoulder. "Who the he— oh. Shitty hair." Katsuki sighed.

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