Student Election!

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I woke up to Eddie cuddling me I smiled at my little man. I got out of bed trying my best not to wake him up. I got changed and woke him up, so I can feed him downstairs. I put him in his chair and gave him his bottle while I was washing some dishes I heard a knock on the door.

I open the door and saw...

"Harry! What are you doing here?" I said closing the door behind me.

"I just wanted to talk, okay? I wanna se-"

"No!" He looked confuse at me.  I started getting mad, really mad. "No?" He tried to speak again, but interupted him.

" I know what you were gonna say. Do you expect me to  let you walk in here and let you see him. After everything that happened."  I shout at him.

" Chill Melissa! Okay I want to see our kid."

"Our kid? OUR KID! No you mean my kid, I was there from the start and where were you? Spreading rumors and lies about me. You left me! To raise him on my own, so no you better leave right now!" He started shaking his head at me.

"No, I'm not leaving until I see him." i was so mad, he wanted to be dad now. I was so mad I didn't even notice the T-Birds car come in.

"Just get out!" I screamed at harry face. I started crying because of how angry I was  at Harry. 

"What's going on?" Shy-guy came into the conversation and gave Harry a Death-glare.

"Harry wouldn't leave. He finally wants to be a dad." Shy-guy looked as pissed as I did. "Get out of here, Harry!" He told him.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do about it tough guy?" Harry pushed shy-guy and the same thing I knew there was gonna be a fight." STOP! Eddie is inside, I don't want this." I faced Harry.

" Look Harry, even though we made him. You'll never be his dad. God, Shy-Guy spends more time with him, and he seems like Eddies dad. Because he's always there for me and for Eddie." I don't know why that came out I looked at Shy-guy. 

"Just go!" I saw harry leave, I went inside to get my stuff and saw mom feeding Eddie. " See you later" I said trying not to cry.

I kissed both of them goodbye and left to get in the car. It was awkward since everyone heard the conversation I had. 

I tried to ignore Shy-guy as we got into school. I went to my locker with Olivia. " I can't believe I said that Livy. I made things awkward between us now." I put some books into my locker.

"I don't think you made anything wrong cher! You weren't lying though Shy-Guy is more of Eddies dad than Harry ever was. Even if you guys aren't dating."

I was fixing my hair and readjusting my makeup. "Hey you got a mirror." Olivia asked I passed her my compact and while I put on some blush.

I felt Olivia nudge me and I looked out my locker to see Jane. I looked back into my locker, but was listening to what she had to say. Olivia and Jane were having a rant  while I was fixing my lipstick.

" You hear that Cherry? We are gonna life long pals forever and ever, wouldn't that be the most." Olivia said sarcastically.

"You know what, you can drown in a glass half empty too." Jane then looked at me and walked away from us.

"That was a bit harsh Livy." I said while fixing my earrings.

"Yeah I know, but she's gotta know that this school isn't all cupcakes and rainbows." She said while passing me my compact mirror.

"Come on... Let's go!" I said while I close my locker and walk to the gym for elections.

We walked in the gym. I looked around and saw the T-Birds joking around standing and sitting on the chairs. Shy-Guy was talking to Gil, but then catches my eye.

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