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Cherry's Pov

I was getting ready for Olivia to come pick me up for the Drive- In tonight. It was my first time that I actually got close to a break.

Last year was horrible after the rumors got out. People kept on bad-shaming me and just talking behind my back. I have a 4 month old son, Eddie. He is my little man and I love him, but today is my first day in a year that I get to have some fun.

"Mom! Thank you for taking care of Eddie."

"Darling there's no problem. I love him so much, it's no bother." I smiled at her.

Marty went out with some friends, so I couldn't say bye. And dad. Well he's been ignoring me, he still doesn't like the idea that I'm a mother at a very young age.


"They're here!" I said, grabbing my sweater.

"Bye sweetie. Have fun!"

"Not too much fun." My dad said, giving me a glare and then going back to read his newspaper. Once I head out of the door I run to the car and see that Olivia is in the passenger's seat by herself.

"Hey...Where are the others at?"

"Richie and Gil are in the trunk. Potato is in the back seat and Shy-Guy is hiding under here." I open the door to see Shy-Guy sitting on his butt. I giggled at the sight of him.

"Hi Cherry!" he said, waving awkwardly at me.

"Hi Shy-Guy! Anyways where am I sitting?"

"On Top of Shy-Guy." She said, smirking.

After Harry, I was having trouble with the pregnancy. Olivia, Potato, and Shy-Guy were always there to help me out. Time passed by and I started to develop a small crush on Shy-Guy. Olivia is the only one who knows.

"I-is that okay with you Shy-Guy?" I could see the blush on his face.

"Uh... yeah." I got in the car and we started to head to the Drive-in. We had to sneak in without being suspicious. We were looking for some free space, but the Soc girls were blocking the way.

"Move!" me and Olivia shouted at them. When we parked we got off and I waited for Olivia to finish talking to Richie.

"Have fun tonight! Yeah, you earned it mama." Shy-Guy said.

"Really? Now I'm mama, What other names will you be calling me huh?" I said getting closer to him. I laughed when I saw him getting red.

"Have fun!" I winked at him while signaling Olivia.

We started to walk off to where the concession stand is at.

"Hey chica, Oh where are you going so fast, beautiful? Oh sorry, forgot I need a teaching license before you pull out." I glared at neil.

"Shut up!" I shouted at him.

"Hey Cherry, if you ever want baby # 2 you can stop by my place, skank." I was about to go and show him a piece of my mind, but Olivia stopped and told me to just ignore him.

We got in our seats and watched the movie. In the middle of the movie Olivia looked at me and then back at the screen.

"Cherry, I think this year is the year that I don't care what anyone thinks of me. I have a plan for tomorrow."

Last year me and Olivia got it bad. She got rumors spreading around school of her being with Mr. Daniels. The thing is, those weren't rumors, she told me everything. I always thought it was messed up, but I didn't judge, I just wanted her to be happy.

But he threw her under the bus. He said that she was the one who threw herself onto him.

"You know what? I wanna be a part of this plan. I don't care what people think of me. The Socs, society, or even Harry. I don't care if people give me the bad eye for having a baby. I wanna be me! So come on, tell me. What's the plan?" Olivia told me what we were gonna do. I loved the plan.

She left me a while later to go to the bathroom. I was alone looking at the movie, but I could feel a presence sitting next to me. I look up to see Shy-Guy.

"Hey Shy-guy!" I knew his real name, but I always got the feeling that he wanted people to call him by his nickname.

"Hi Cherry!Is this seat taken?" I shook my head.

"It was but I guess Olivia is busy in the restroom." I laughed, making him giggle.

"So how's little Eddie?"

"He's doing good, thank god my mother agreed to take care of him tonight... You know I think he misses you." I said staring off at the screen.

"Oh really? Then I should go visit him later on."

"Yeah you should." I started to shiver. I think that he noticed.

"You cold? You wanna wear my jacket?" He said taking it off. I couldn't help but just stare at him, he looked good.

He put it on me and I just smiled at him.He caught my eye and we just sat there staring at each other's faces.

"Uh.. you wanna go get some popcorn?" He asked me.

"Yeah... Sure." We both head to the stand and order two popcorn and a drink for me. Once I got mine I threw some at him and left back to the seat.

I giggled and pretended I didn't do it when he came back." You didn't just do that. "

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything." I placed my popcorn on the floor.

"Oh yeah... Hm.. then i'm not doing this." I was confused.

"Not doing wha-" He started to tickle me. Which was my weakness. He found out last month when he came to visit Eddie.


"Stop" I laughed at him.

"Okay, okay." I checked my watch. It was already late and I was already missing my little boy.

"Hey you wanna get out of here? My mom made some apple pie. Want some?"

"Sure!" Thank god my house was only a couple minutes away, so we just walked there.When I walked into the house, I heard the biggest squeal.

"Eddie! My love!" I took him away from Marty who just gave me a face.

"Rude! Oh we have company again." She said as she saw Shy-Guy behind me. She gave me a smirk and left the living room.

"There's the little man. Hey!" I gave Eddie to Shy-guy while I went to the kitchen to grab two slices of apple pie.

When I walked back into the living room. I saw shy-guy carrying Eddie while laying on the floor. I loved the sight in front of me.

"Here!" After that we talked for a while and then it was time for him to leave. I didn't want him to leave but I couldn't let him know that.

He grabbed his jacket and looked at Eddie who was sleeping on his little blanket." I bet he had a lot of fun." I laughed at his remark.

"Well, his favorite person came to visit him, so yeah i think so too."I walked with him to the porch. It was a good thing that he lived around the block.

"I had a fun night!" He told me.

"Yeah me too. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Melissa!" I loved it when he said my name.

"Goodnight Edward." he chuckled and then gave me a glance before he left.

I laughed to myself and went back inside to put Eddie back to bed. And went to head to bed myself. I couldn't go to sleep but kept thinking of the times I spent with Shy-Guy.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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