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I was playing around with Eddie in the living room, but I kept looking at the clock that was on the wall. Right now it was 7:30.

"Olivia said she was gonna pick me up at 7" I look at Eddie and he was laughing while I was picking up and making baby voices.




"MARTY! Do you know where mom is?" She was in the kitchen and I was looking around for mom, but I don't think she's home.

"No she went to talk to Mrs. Valdovinos about something." I sighed and looked at her with my baby dog eyes. She knew what I was doing because she started shaking her head.

"Nope! I took care of him yesterday. It's your turn to take care of him.Jeez what's the point of you having him if you're not gonna take care of him." She said walking upstairs. What she said hurt me.

I grabbed his diaper bag and sweater and ran out of the house. I ran to the car with Eddie on my hip.

"Ayo Cherry... this is no daycare." Gil said. Olivia slapped him.

"I didn't have anybody to watch him."

"He better not make a accident in here."

"Oh shut it, Gil. I'll clean it! Anyways, how can you not like this cute face." I grabbed his face while we sat on the back.

I sat next to Shy-Guy and he motioned to pass Eddie to him.

"There's the macho man." When he said that he started to laugh. I don't know why or how Eddie always laughs when he says Macho man.

"So I didn't tell you, but me and the guys have a plan for tonight." A plan?

"What is it?" I said, making a confused face.

"You'll have to wait and see later, Cher." He said while tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. He noticed what he did and looked the other way so I won't see his blush, but I saw it either way.

I don't know what I was thinking, but I suddenly grabbed his hand. He looked at me shocked and I just smiled at him.I could tell he was tense, but he then relaxed and smiled back.

I saw Olivia smiling at us. We parked in the parking lot and that's when we started parting ways. Shy-guy was about to leave, but he was still holding my hand. He turn to me and gave me Eddie.

He smiled at both of us. Tickled Eddie and squeezed my hand before he left with the other T-birds and Cynthia.

Me, Olivia, and Eddie stayed in the car. While everyone was being crazy and loud. It was hard trying to get Eddie to take a nap.

"You know, you two look cute together." I looked at Eddie and looked at her again.

"Right, he's my little man." While I was patting his back.

"No, I meant you and Shy-Guy. Not to freak you out, but you two look like Eddie's parents. And I saw the way you two were looking at each other in the car. You guys would be so cute togethe-"

"Hey" WE got interrupted by Jane Facchiano.

"Don't you have some cheerleaders to stack in a pyramid or something?" Olivia said.

"I don't blame you two for being upset with me. You saved my life today! And I didn't even get in trouble for it, and that's not fair.

"Jeez at ease, Doris Day!" I said laughing and holding Eddie who was already asleep in my arms already.

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