You: Alright.

I feel like I'm disgracing all my english teachers by talking this way, it's me that is even replying him sef

Sani: you home?

Hehe, what's with all this jamb questions if I'm not at home nko, I'm done talking as if I didn't go to school with this guy.

You: Guy is it that you lack how and are in your dictionary, because I can't continue to talk as if I didn't go to school, you're now talking as if it's half school fees you paid all your life.

You: Whatever it is you're trying to form, don't bring it towards me oo, you either talk well, or not talk at all. Simple.

Sani: okay, calm down now, I'll talk normally.

You: Ah toh, before did you think talking like that made you cool or something.

Sani: yes now it obviously did

You: trust me you were just sounding like someone that didn't go to school, only God knows what was going through your head.

Sani: I'm pretty sure it's only you that doesn't think it's cool

You: okay,keep telling yourself that untill you believe it

Sani: we both know it's the truth.

You: and nobody is arguing with you

Sani: Better.

Sani: so what are you doing?

You: well I'm watching spongebob and chatting with one wannabe cool kid like that.

- Why are you asking?

Sani: you're such a child, who still watches cartoon.

-And chatting with a cool kid you mean.

-Out of curiosity.

You: I never claimed to be an adult, it's you that knows where you're rushing too.

-Everyone does, it's only wannabe cool kids like you that don't

- are you sure you don't want to kidnap me because I don't trust you.

Sani: I'm not rushing anywhere. It's just the truth

- nahh I disagree

- ouch. You don't trust such a good guy like me

You: blah blah blah, who needs you to agree before.

- I never knew being good or bad was written on the forehead.

Sani: you've pierced my delicate heart twice in just one day, why so wicked?

You: Eyyah, pele baby (sorry) and wickedness is the key😉

Sani: This your sorry is so fake. Really coming from you.

You: what do you mean coming from me.

Sani: you don't look like a wicked person

You: And I ask again, is it written on the forehead.

- Never judge a book by its cover darling.

Sani: interesting, thanks for the advice

You: you're welcome wannabe.

- I still can't believe you could speak normally like this and you just decided to be talking like what I don't know.

Sani: I only talk that way to spite people, plus you threatened me with not talking to me, I had to talk normally.

- you're the only girl in The Academy that caught my interest and I couldn't risk you not talking to me. Plus I didn't want to deprive you the privilege of talking with a real cool kid for once in your life 😉

You: You're really full of yourself, you know that right.

Sani: I've heard it quite a few times but I don't really agree.

I was about to reply him when I heard mummy's car coming in.

You: whatever. I really have To go now, my mummy just got back and I have to go and tell her oyoyo (oh you're home) so bye

Sani: Alright, talk to you later. You really are a baby.

He replied immediately, I just read it and turned my data off. Wow I didn't know I spent this much time talking to him.

I went outside and saw Haidar was already dusty her with talk, when did he even leave the parlor.

I greeted her, took some bags out of her car and carried them inside the house. Wow she did buy a lot of things today. In one of the bags I saw......

Bye loves 💞

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