Oliver 🐻man

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Y/n pov:

It was my birthday, I turned 18 today! We decided to celebrate that with friends in the club! We invited a lot of friends kind of I think. We made it clear that they don't need to bring a present, I love a card to, I don't want people to spend that much money on me, you know.

«Are you ready Ollie?» I said

«All set to go love.» he said

Ollie and I have been together for about 4 years now, I was always watching him kart. Bit boring but where I'm standing today, as one of the favorite wags, I'm proud.

«Hold up my phone is ringing.» I said.

«Be a bit fast!» Ollie said.

*on the phone*
«heyyyy» I said

«heyyy me, Dino and Elvira are going to be a bit late» Paul said.

«Why that?» I said.

«I needed my time to shower alright?» Paul said.

«Hahaha, classic one. I'll see you Paul!» I said.

«see you soon!» he said.

*hanged up*

«everything alright?» Ollie said.

«yup! Let's go!! I can finally drink!!» I said, while laughing.

*at the club*

I really love being at the club, but in some moments I regret to be here. I have like a squeak in my ear or something, sometimes it hurts but sometimes it ain't.

«I'm going to the toilet real quick, don't do anything stupid!» I said.

«I won't love!» Ollie said

*in the bathroom*

The second I stepped in a girl went straight to me.

«heyy your boyfriend is the boy with brown hair, dark eyes. Right?» she said.

«yeah what about it?» I said

«yeah so a other girl was kind of messing with him?» she said.

«how does she look like?» I said.
I was scared that she was his psycho ex you know?

«well, brown hair, light green eyes, not really tall.» she said.

Your kidding me right? It's Bella.

Ollie Pov:
My girlfriend went to the toilet, and I saw her, Bella. fuck. A reason why I broke up with her was, because she stalks me even if I was at the shops.

«what are you doing here?» I said.

«I'm here for you love! I missed you» she said.

«I have a girlfriend now you know right?» I said.

«come on Ollie didn't you mi-» she said why she got interrupted.

«your joking me right? What is she doing her?» Paul said.

«exactly what I'm asking myself.» I said.
Finally y/n came!

Y/n pov:
«Bella? What the fuck are you doing her?» I said.

Are you fucking kidding me, she's such a partypooper she's ruining my fucking night!

«get the fuck away.» I said

«so I'm not getting a welcome?» Bella said.

«fucking welcome, and fucking goodbye.» I said.

«I only want to talk with Ollie nothing else!» she said.

«I'm not trusting y-» I said while I got interrupted bye Ollie. Fuck.

«you want to be us 2 or here?» he said.
Is he kidding me?!

«us 2 let's just go outside.» she said.

Wow are you fucking kidding me. Well let's just say I got Elvira with me.

«don't worry love, let's just drink!» she said.
Ugh I love her!

Ollie Pov:
«what do you want Bella?» I said

«don't you see it?!» she said.

«see what» I said

«I saw how you looked at me.» she said.

«you got me hahaha.» I said

«finally now should we get back together?» she said.

«I looked at you like a saw a rat walking in. What do you think, I'm in a healthy relationship with Y/n. She's more important than you.» I said, was I a bit harsh?

She went back inside and god, I didn't trust this.

Y/n pov:
It was really taking long now, what if she pushed to much? What if he kissed her? Ugh this overthinking needs to stop!

«it's taking to long» I said nervously.

«it's all fine, here she comes» Elvira said

I don't remember a lot than but she came at me mad! And jumped me kind of. I was in the hospital for 4 days because of the swelling.

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