Arthur leclerc

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Y/n pov:
It's bad isn't it? Dating your brothers ex...
Well I'm y/n antonelli and Im engaged to Arthur leclerc, we are looking forward to our wedding. Not a lot of people are coming, just family and some really close friends.
Arthur and I met when I was 18 and he was 19, he was my emotional support when me and Charles leclerc broke up after a 4 year relation ship. I met Charles when I was in high school, I know him kind of long.

-day of the Dutch grandprix-

"amour es-tu réveillé?" Arthur asked.
(Love are you awake?)

"j'ai déjà fini j'avais juste besoin de me maquiller et tout ça, tu es prête à y aller?"
I said.
(I'm already done I just needed to do my makeup and stuff, are you ready to go?)

We got our stuff and we went in Arthur's car, it was a black Ferarri, It was my favorite. When I was, what he calls his passenger princess, next to him he would let his hand rest on my thigh. I always get little butterfly's and I know that I picked the right man to marry.

-at the circuit-

"c'est vraiment occupé, beaucoup de gens veulent que vous signiez." I said.
(it's really busy, a lot of people want you to sign.)

"ouais et il y a beaucoup de garçons qui te regardent." Arthur said.
(Yeah and there are a lot of boys looking at you.)

I knew he would've get jealous if there are boys looking at me. He is really overprotective. Just like my brother, Kimi Antonelli. Funny thing we are twins. But what I said my brother is overprotective only because I'm 8 minutes younger.

We saw the motor home from dams racing so we were heading there, we did made some stops for some fans. A lot asked if kimi was single. They need to ask him not me.

"je ne savais pas que tu avais autant de fans"
I said.
(I didn't know you had so many fans)

"Je suis un leclerc, mon frère est Charles leclerc. sorte de logique il y a beaucoup de fans." Arthur said.
(I am a leclerc, my brother is Charles leclerc. kind of makes sense there are a lot of fans.)

"Hmm ok." I said.

Arthur Pov:
I kind of hate it if she starts with fans, I know she's jealous because I'm a good looking guy and have a lot of girls after me. Though I think she is hiding something from me. She always loves my fans, so there is something going on.

In his room.

"tu me caches quelque chose?" I said.
(You're hiding something from me?)

"Je te le dirai plus tard, pas vraiment à l'aise d'en parler avec toi. peut-être que je vais en parler à kimi..." she said.
(I'll tell you later, not really comfortable talking about it with you. maybe i'll talk to kimi about it.)

It was really quiet after, and there we go. She was getting emotional, there is something going on and she won't tell me. I hate when she keeps something away from me.

I was getting ready to go to my car when I got stopped by Y/n.

"attendez! laissez-moi vous dire ce qui se passe." She said, we were walking to my car when she told me

"Je suis en retard..." she said.
(I'm late.)

I was looking at her till I got told I needed to run to my car, I hate it when she just told me. I'm overthinking! And I have a race!!

Y/n pov:

"Je suis en retard..." I said.

It was all quiet. And he needed to go. Ugh I'm so stupid! Why did i told him that?! He has a race, he's overthinking!

"Kelly?" I said.

"Y/n Antonelli. Well almost leclerc haha" Kelly said.

"Can we talk? I need someone I trust." I said.

"You want to go to the RedBull motorhome?"
She said.

"Yeah, something private." I said.

"Alright!" She said.

I was really quiet and Kelly saw it, I needed to tell someone. I hate to keep something a secret.

At the motorhome

"What's the problem?" She said.

"I'm late and I don't know how to tell Arthur.." I said.

"Your pregnant?!" Kelly said

"Yeah I wanted to keep it a secret for the past 12 weeks." I said

"You want to announce it?" She said

"Maybe later? Somewhere beautiful" I said

"I know some places! At the beach it's beautiful the echo is cute!" She said

"You really know what your talking about hahaha" I said

We were looking at the screen when I saw that he got first place, I tried to walk fast and I came to the podium. There he was coming out the car and going straight to me.

"dis-moi y/n es-tu enceinte?!" He said
(Tell me y/n are you pregnant?!)

"surprendre" I said.

He grabbed me and kissed me, I didn't k ow he was gonna react like this. I saw that Charles was looking, I feel bad but it felt good.

*2 months later*

Arthur Pov:

She's already 5 months pregnant and we're getting ready to take a little photoshoot! I was really excited, because I'm a father!

She's already 5 months pregnant and we're getting ready to take a little photoshoot! I was really excited, because I'm a father!

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1.038.208 likes. Liked by paularon_
Y/n.Antonelli: 15.02.2024❤️
@olliebearman:that baby is gonna be a fast one🏎️.
@landonorris:that baby is gonna be my bestfriend.
^Reply by oscarpiastri: I'll get you mate.
@kellypiquet:awwwe congrats loves❤️
@user0283749: boy:Jules Leclerc||girl: Aurora leclerc😍😍.
@user040494: that baby has the best parents
^reply by user173649: FRR!!
Come back on February 15😘😘

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