Chapter 10- Revelation

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(Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and is no way connected to real life whatsoever.)

''A few moments after the Dalektnon began it's attack.''

At the village of Engkanta.

Now having their weapons back, Squad Hiwaga makes their way into the streets of the village. As they rushed through multiple enemy creatures. And while they were running into the fight, they took down every single enemy that crossed their path. Squad Hiwaga showcased their incredible teamwork as they dispatched the enemies efficiently. Meanwhile Jean followed them at the back, as she healed the injured civilians.

At this point the attack of the dark creatures already made lots of damage to Engkanta. The houses were on flames, and the streets were littered with disfigured corpses of the civilian creatures. Queen Jean watches in horror as severed bodies of the children filled the once busy streets.

As they moved deeper into the village, the creatures seemed to grow more relentless. Dark figures with distorted features emerged from the shadows, their attacks becoming fiercer. However, Squad Hiwaga held their ground, defending the innocent creatures who were still in shock and fear.

With each slash from their glaive, the heads of the creatures went flying. As some of the survivors watch in amazement. Squad Hiwaga kept on fighting the charging enemy, and just after a few minutes later Jean's guards arrives to aid Squad Hiwaga in battle.

As the guards joined in on the fight, Fate shouts at them as she was fighting, ''No! Let us handle this. You must first get the civilians to safety.''

Hearing what Fate has said, Jean ordered her guards using their own language to save the survivors instead. And just like what the queen has instructed the guards, stopped and rushed to the injured survivors instead.

Fighting magnificently as her glaive easily cuts through the creatures heads, Fate says to her team, ''Squad what's the status?''

''Multiple Enemies are coming from all directions. However in our current location we have the advantage. Eliminating them would be an easy task.'' Says Sayud as he jumps in the air slashing 2 creatures down.

''After all these years who would've thought we would be fighting for the creatures.'' Said Reyjen as she stops to analyze the enemies movements.

''There is still a lot more to know, but for now Engkanta is our ally and is in need of our help. We must show them what Squad Hiwaga is capable of!'' Fate replied in a confident tone.

The four of them kept on fighting and fighting. They were unstoppable. The four of them may be the only ones who remained on Squad Hiwaga. But their desire to uncover the truth and avenge those whom they lost in their long journey, is pushing them forward to fight effectively. Making the Squad more powerful than ever.

With Fate and her incredible speed and talent in battle, Sayud's sensory skills that let's them have eyes all over the battlefield, Reyjens incredible strategic mind, and Josh's expertise in their weapons. Together the four of them formed a creature killing machine. With more slash from their glorious glaives. The attacking creatures stood no chance to the might of Squad Hiwaga.

After an hour of fighting the numbers of enemy creatures almost went to zero. And the surviving civilian creatures were all safely evacuated somewhere in the island. Exhausted from battle Squad Hiwaga takes a short rest. While Jean started to walk towards them.

Fate took a seat in the ground, Sayud and Reyjen did the same. While Josh inspected their weapons once again, repairing the damaged ones. Jean Approached the Squad, and with a genuine voice she says, ''It seems that the attack is over... Your group is called Hiwaga correct? I cannot thank you all enough.''

𝐇𝐈𝐖𝐀𝐆𝐀- ENGLISH ver.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ