Chapter 1- Boot camp

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(Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and is no way connected to real life whatsoever.)


The training for the 47th expedition began.

Meanwhile at the military camp of the 3rd clan. It was 12 pm at noon and the heat of the sun is at its maximum. The new recruits stood stiffly in their formation, as their drill sergeant scans their face one by one. Amongst the recruits, was Fate, the little girl from 13 years ago. Now a fully grown woman, she joined the Military with one goal in mind. To avenge her grandfather and all that died before her eyes.

''Attention recruits! You are all gathered here today for one purpose. That is to die for the sake of humanity. Now are any of you idiots here ready to die?'' The drill sergeant screamed.

All the recruits answered in Unison, ''Sir Yes sir!''

''Good! I see that we're all in the same page, get ready as you all will be going through hell today. We'll start by a simple 100 lap jog around the camp, followed by sparring matches, and the last will be the most difficult of them all! STUDYING! That's right you sorry excuses of a human. Today We're gonna study all about our enemies before starting our real training. Now what are you all standing around for? Start frickin Running! Go go go!!!'' said the drill sergeant.

Immediately and without delay the recruits started jogging around the camp, as the monstrous heat of the sun falls upon them. They ran over and over again, and after 23 laps later, many were already exhausted and out of breath. Noticing this the drill sergeant shouted at the recruits.

''Why am I seeing someone slowing down! tired already?  Remember in the battlefield our enemies move fast. Being low on stamina is not an option, Keep running! Go go go!!!'' Said the drill sergeant.

The recruits had no choice but to endure the pain and kept on running. For the next few minutes they are still running in circles as the sound of their rumbling feet echoed through the camp. Meanwhile Fate was already out of breath, she looks up to the sun and mutters to herself, "(Not good enough! I still have more! I'm not giving up. Never!)'' She slows down to take a deep breath and went back to her usual pace.

They ran and ran for hours, until finally reaching the 100th lap.  The recruits were in a terrible shape, as some even passed out as they ran. The remaining was called by the drill sergeant, as he instructs the recruits, '' To those who are still standing... A job well done. You may now take a rest for a short while as we tend to those who passed out.''

The recruits were able to take a short breather, as the medic soldiers and the drill sergeant helped those who passed out. Just 30 minutes later the drill sergeant returned, along with the recruits who passed out during the jogging exercise. The drill sergeant then orders the recruits to take a squat as he tells them their next training exercise.

''I believe that's enough for a short breather.  We will now proceed to our next training exercise. Hand to hand combat 101, before you use weapons you must learn how to fight with your bare hands first.'' said the drill sergeant.

After that they immediately started their second exercise. As each of the recruits were paired into two, as they spend the next few hours fighting each other.

More hours passed as the sun set's into the horizon. The drill sergeant ordered the stop for the sparring exercise. As he takes the recruits training indoors. They went to a room similar to that of a classroom.

 The drill sergeant says to the recruits, ''Excellent job for completing todays physical training. Now it's time for us to train our minds as well, remember! You can't win a war with brute strength alone. You must also have a capable mind capable on adapting to life threatening situations.''

The drill sergeant then distributed books to the recruits. Containing all the knowledge brought to them by previous soldiers who fought bravely in the war against the creatures. In the discussion the drill sergeant brings out his weapon and showed it to the recruits. 

The glaive, a spear like weapon but with a sword like blade. Customized to fight off the creatures, the blade is made of pure bronze capable sharp enough to cut the creatures down.

''This is the standard issue glaive, it can cut off any creature you may face,'' The drill sergeant swings the glaive around demonstrating basic moves, ''For 13 years we have discovered our enemies weaknesses. They can regenerate their body in an instant making them immortal, but not unless we cut them using bronze weapons such as the glaive. For some reason they can't regenerate the wounds cut by bronze materials.'' The recruits were in awe as they listened carefully to the drill sergeant.

''But this doesn't mean that killing them will be easy. They may not be able to regenerate but they won't die by a simple wound. The only way! to kill a creature, is to cut of its head and pierce its heart. That would kill them almost instantly, hence the glaive is our go to weapon. You'll be given 2 standard issue glaive's, one is used to slice off the head, and the other one is to pierce the heart. For the next few weeks we'll repeat this routine, A 100 lap jog, Hand to hand combat, and lecture. Complete this course and only then you will receive your glaive. You may now return to the barracks!'' Said the drill sergeant.

One by one the recruits stood up and left the room. Meanwhile Fate stayed and read the books more, as she mutters to herself, "(This is it! I'll earn my glaive... And I can finally avenge my grandfather. Just you wait you monsters! I will slaughter you all as you did my people.''


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