Chapter 7- Deep in the forest

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(Disclaimer:  This is a work of fiction and, is no way connected to real life whatsover.)


Deep within the woods

After the harsh battle against the Amomongo, Squad Hiwaga decided to continue the 47th expedition alone, as they proceeded into the Forest. Even with their injuries they still pushed through. While they were walking. Squad Hiwaga passed by a gigantic tree, Noticing this Sherwin tries to lighten up the group, by saying, ''That's gotta be the biggest tree I have ever seen. I wonder if someone lives in it?''

''Not funny Sherwin.'' Said Reyjen.

The Squad continued to walk for the next few hours, as they passed by another gigantic tree.

''Another one? How did we not notice that before?'' Said Fate, as they continued their walk once again.

After only 30 minutes of walking, Squad Hiwaga ran into another Gigantic Tree once again. The Squad stopped, as Arthur says, ''Is it just me? or is that the same freaking tree.''

After taking a look for a brief moment, Artagnan says, ''Let's just keep walking.'' And so they walked again. But only 10 minutes later, they ran into another Gigantic tree once again.

''Not another tree! Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on!'' Arthur shouts.

Artagnan then answers, trying to calm Arthur down, ''Don't panic. I'm sure there's a pretty logical explanation for this. Fate why don't you make a mark on it using your glaive.'' 

As Artagnan says, Fate approached the tree and made a mark with an upward slash from her glaive. 

''Let's walk once last time, to see if my theory is correct.'' Said Artagnan, as they all start walking deeper and deeper into the forest.

But Again as they walked, they encounter the same Gigantic tree once again, with the same mark that was made by Fate's Glaive. With a shaking voice Arthur says, ''You're kidding me right? That mark is exactly the one Fate made.''

And from the side Sherwin says, ''But it can't be! We are all walking in a straight direction.''

''Something is definitely wrong here.'' Said Fate.

Squad Hiwaga stops to analyze the situation they're in. And after a few minutes have passes, Sayud shouts, ''I sense a creature! Behind us!''

Immediately as Sayud said,  All of them turned around, as they swung out their Glaive's. In their battle stance, Squad Hiwaga encounters The Anggitay.

Anggitay- A female creature with half the Body of a human, and that of a horse waist down. Despite their feminine looks, their twice as deadly as their male counter parts. To kill an Anggitay, a soldier must slice half of the body from the waist, and pierce it's heart to kill it completely.

Squad Hiwaga remained vigilant. As they prepared to engage in battle. From the back Reyjen says, ''Artagnan? what shall we do?''

With his glaive ready Sherwin also asks, ''Well? Mr. Leader? Shall we engage?''

As Sweat is drenching from his Forehead, Artagnan answers, ''Yes... Me and Fate will slice off it's waist, The rest of you go for it's head.''

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