[Chapter 9] - Exhibition of the Fittest

Start from the beginning

"Commandant, with due respect, I don't think I can tolerate another second here with this guy." Lee spoke up from the side, eyeing Kamui disapprovingly.

"C'mon! Don't be such a cheapskate!" The said Construct refuted.

"It's not being a cheapskate, it's called conserving time and resources." Lee rebuked without hesitation, crossing his arm.

"Same thing!" Kamui retorted again which he devolved into bickering with the gunner.

Meanwhile, Kiryu already left the two Constructs to their arguments and went back to Lucia and Liv who were both looking somewhat bemused by the two's interactions with each other.

"Should... should we stop them, Commandant?" Liv asked.

"If things get out of hand then yes, for now? No." Kiryu replied back before he moved on with the two girls following him.

"...They don't seem to be stopping anytime soon..." Lucia noted as Lee and Kamui continued arguing yet they both followed nonetheless.

"I don't expect them to as well." Kiryu answered as they ascended a set of long stairs up to the next level with a statue in the middle of the floor.

"Hostiles inbound, get ready!" The Commandant then ordered, prompting them all to brandish their weapons as more Corrupted appeared.



"Hm... looks like the stage is set and the cast is all present." A voice spoke to themselves as the owner watched the group down below take on the Corrupted.

"Though that human is quite a specimen to be able to push back both Alpha and Masaki, but oh well, the die is cast nevertheless."

"This theatre is just beginning, but I truly do wonder how will the future chapters play out."

The voice questioned amusedly to themselves before disappearing from their perch.


Back to the fight, the Gray Ravens and Kamui have already ended the confrontation which allowed them to proceed forward to the next area of the estate which suddenly, their communication lines were infiltrated by a new voice.

"[I am the butler of this estate who is duty-bound to protect the inheritance of the estate owner; Mr. Copperfield.]"

"Oh? Well, good day to you, sir!" Kamui immediately replied back boisterously with a smile while the Gray Ravens especially Lee stared at him speechlessly.

"[I am contacting you all through a private channel so this will be brief and simple; leave now when you still can, this is my advice.]"

"I'm afraid we can't, Mr. Butler. We have a mission here to track down the Ascendant, speaking of which, do you know where the Ascendant is?" Kamui answered back.

"[I apologise, but I cannot help.]"

"Welp, beggars can't be choosers... but still, why would you contact us through a private channel?" Kamui then questioned.

"You aren't a Corrupted, right? Then I'm sure we can just talk this through, maybe even be friends while we're at it!" He added with smile but the line is already gone.

"Hello? You there? Heeey??" The Strike Hawk member then called out to no avail.

"How should I say this... Kamui is quite..." Liv began quietly, watching the Tank-type Construct attempt to call out to the butler again.

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