[Chapter 10] - Forsaken and Forgotten

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(POV - 3RD)


The said Construct of Strike Hawk squad blearily heard his name spoke out from all the cacophonies of noises that assaulted his head while his vision remained dark from pain.


The voice only got louder along with the incessant rumbling of what appears to be debris falling and crashing onto the ground which prompted the said Construct to groan out in fatigue as his vision brightened up just as he opened up his eyes.

"Kamui, wake up! This place is about to collapse!!" Lucia shouted as Kiryu blasted away any nearby concrete that may fall onto them with his suit's Repulsors.

As if straight out of a sci-fi movie, the Tiga Suit effortlessly blasted away the debris with a singular projected beam of blue-white light, erasing the hazards and buying them more time to wake Kamui up to prepare for an escape out of the crumbling estate.

"Lucia..? Wait! Roland! Where is he?! Did he-?!" Kamui questioned, abruptly pushing himself up shakily as he looked around.

"No time to think! Just run before we get crushed!" Lee shouted as he and Kiryu grabbed the Strike Hawk and then hauling him out of the place.

"By the time we reached you, Roland had already vanished... and we've also detected a high level of Punishing Virus activity, what did he do to you?" Lucia asked as they ran.

"Dunno... I faded out back then but... I don't feel anything weird though." Kamui replied as they burst out through a doorway.

Kiryu immediately went to work as he placed down several C4s around the entrance of the hallway just as a swarm of Corrupted burst into the crumbling room they were just in.

"Are you sure? Corruption is not a joke." The Commandant said, detonating the bombs which caused the doorway to collapse, blocking off any entries or exits.

"If your corruption threshold goes over then Liv can detect before you can tell it yourself." Lee stated as the group proceeded forward.

"Everyone, the last withdrawal route is also blocked by the Corrupted." Liv reported as they stood behind the pillars, surveying the area.

"While Kiryu's strategy in blocking their path towards us was a commendable move, this also means the Corrupted will increase in density within areas unaffected by the collapse." Lee said.

"If that's the case then we make a path ourselves, easy as that!" Kamui declared, hefting his greatsword as he readied himself.

"Even so, if we do manage to break through, we still won't know where exactly to secure a landing zone to return to Babylonia." Lucia interjected.

"Hm... Kamui, you said Strike Hawk is a scouting squad, correct?" Kiryu asked suddenly as the said Construct responded.

"Yep, our kinds weren't made for prolonged battles but instead basic to complex reconnaissance of our assigned areas, either on our own or as a team."

"Then you should have something to help you scout out areas that coincide with your missions, if I'm not correct?" The Commandant questioned.

"Heh, you betcha! We're professional scouts so to help us gather further intel, we always plant monitoring devices on our pathways."

"As you know it, these devices collect high-precision geo-data of the surroundings, if they're still intact while we did the mission, then the mapping should be done by now." Kamui affirmed.

"Calculating a route from high precision geo-data mapping... Liv, is that doable?" Lee inquired as the said Support-Type Construct answered.

"Yes, as long as the given data is precise enough then my computing capacity should be also enough to make it doable."

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