Overcoming Obstructive Obstacles

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  A day worth practicing once again at the arena. Today the yoshis needed to gather around together and give a practice race. Billy decided to walk himself insead to ease Rocky until they began to practice.

  Billy teased the oncoming Armadillo with his karate skills as they both approached each other. "Bet you can beat this, feller'." Billy mocks Andy trying to throw a punch but fails. "Well, I'm a much better saddleback, Billy!" Andy angrily remarked, feeling a hinge of jealousy.

  "You're a karate star too?" Rocky wondered, admiring his confident posture with his hand against his hips standing proudly with a smirk, eyes closed. Billy nods back, taking in the compliment. "Don't need to flex myself now, we got business to take care of." Billy demands, hopping on Rocky's western saddle placed on by their helpful assistant, Mott.

  "Let's show 'em what we can do." Billy suspensefully replies as an western folk would say when a gunslinger was finna arise. Adjusting his lap against the sweet leathery texture, Billy was all set to go. Popping his knuckles loudly, even the crowd could hear the echo, Billy whispered to Rocky, "This is our chance to shine, big boy." Seductively, Billy massages Rocky shoulders for a quick warm-up. Rocky might've fallen to the ground slightly doing the splits in satisfaction, letting a low moan out.

  "Alright, you ready, partner?" Billy asks in a playful manner, sitting up while Rocky repositions himself up off the ground. "Sure thing, Billy." Rocky acknowledges with a smile on his sweet cheeks.

  Billy leaned his head over Rocky's, getting a plain focus on how to strategically route Rocky's movement. Rocky could feel Billy's sweat from his own face. It was time to begin the practice session. All the other koopalings with their yoshis ran down the track, getting good stamina down.

  Billy gave a thrust on Rocky's saddle, signaling his move. Rocky got to running smoothly, figuring out his surroundings as he goes. "You're getting there." Billy says to himself, noticing Rocky's progress. Billy patted Rocky's saddle handle gently as they came to a left turn.

  As they make their way around the track field, they are stopped by Andy and his cool yoshi. "So, you seem to be doing something, heh?" Andy asks in a disrespectful tone. "Hehe, yeah! Can't get in the way though, that's rude you know?" Billy explains, putting his hands on Rocky's shoulders to comfort him through the interaction. "Pfft, if you need to practice passing obstacles, then why not try passing me, idiot!" Andy angrily taunts back at Billy, trying to be clear of his blockage. "Billy, I know you can do better than that, you're a talented kid."

  Billy felt no offense to what Andy had to say, especially Andy's just letting his envy through him. "Or I could meet with you for a duel pal, after we finish our run. That'll teach your anger management skills, Andy!" Billy said in an overdramatic flawless style, knowing what Andy truly needs. "You know what, great idea pal!" Andy shook hands with Billy, making a deal together.

  "Wow, you guys made up quickly, never seen that before." Mott felt shocked in his mind, stating to Billy with the unexpected turnaround. "Yea, we cool. Partners in crime." Billy gave a wink, swinging his boots as Mott caught up to them. "I thought he was robbing you legit that one time when you saved." "Pfft, that was a drill. He was acting out for us since it's a monthly occurrence we practice in case a real incident were to happen." Billy explains, as he thrusted back against the saddle. "We gonna finish our relay, then we take a break." "Sounds good, buddo!" Mott yelled out as Billy and Rocky were already distant to use his normal voice. Billy gave a wink back, then focused on the ride.

  After roughly 30 minutes of riding around the field, Rocky drained with exhaustion; sweating much aggressively then the last run. Billy felt much better mentally with him putting Rocky to the test, seeing how he would strive through the day.

  "You guys can hang or whateva, Imma be sparing some with my broski, Andy." Billy said, hopping off Rocky's saddle. "Okie, take care." Mott replied, waving at him as Billy darted off, giving Andy a personal handshake.

  Mott sighed in relief, "good to see Billy happy, right?" Rocky nodded in agreement. Rocky felt proud he made steady progress.

  "Heyo, Rocky!" Snowsky came strolling by, swinging his arms charismatically with his glasses on. "Oh, hey, Snowsky?" Rocky chuckled nervously, surprised to see him coming over. "What are you doing?" Rocky asked hesitantly, itching his back. "Ah just got done running a few. I heard your Billy's Yoshi, ay?" Snowsky asked, playing the cool laid back character he is.

  Rocky mumbled to himself, couldn't figure out what to say in order not to look bad. "You look like you could be very talented, and I know you already are. I've seen you stride around Rocky." Snowksy was trying to seem as welcoming to Rocky as he could, noticing his sweating.

  "Oh yeah, I'm... gulp Rocky." Rocky anxiously looked him, his adrenaline pumping faster than an eagle gliding through the bright sky. Snowsky leans intimidatingly on Rocky slightly, holding his hand, "You seem pretty awesome, we should talk more."

  Then Snowsky giggled silently and started walking towards Andy and Billy. Snowsky turned back and said, "I can't wait to race you, Rockster, I'm just as excited as you." Rocky felt his heartbeat happily, feeling more excited to attend the race.

  "It's okay to be shy, Rocky." Mott reassured Rocky, standing by his side. "I think he likes you."

  Rocky couldn't figure out how to process those words from Mott. "Uhm, maybe." Rocky whispered back, still standing speechless.

  Mott patted his back, adding, "I understand. I was shy at first when Billy found me. But then he helped me out and we shortly became friends. He's one of my only good friends around here. Now I met you, that makes two." Mott sighed in relief, side-hugging Rocky. "Maybe you can make a new friend too. I know it's hard, but it takes slowly opening up. That's the best advice I could give."

  Rocky took a moment to take in mind Mott's statements. "You're right." Rocky replied after a minute passed, "You guys have done well to help me out. I don't know what I could have done without you pals."

  Mott rubbed Rocky's hip and commented, "We are here and will stick together." Mott made sure he would stick by his word, his kind promise.

  "HEY Y'ALL, CHECK US OUT!" Billy and Andy stood together with each having one leg stuck out. "EPIC!" Mott called back, grinning strongly. Billy and Andy shook hands and gave each other a big hug that would cause Andy to fall on top of Billy, rolling around in the dirt. "Just boys being boys" Mott giggled side with Rocky.

  Rocky chuckled back, holding Mott's hand tighter. Rocky felt passionate for not only winning the Saddleback race, but truly making himself a part of a caring community.

The Story Of SnockyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora