Warm Windy Seasons

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There it was... Winter came rolling around like a quick breeze during the come-up of spring. Rocky was an mentally disabled yoshi, autistic in particular. He was the social outcast of his time and now he has a job working as an construction worker.

Although his co-workers aren't yoshis like him, in fact they're jockey and cocky koopalings, he still works for his sake. He enjoys the work itself, yet hates the toxic environment.

Rocky looks forward to the weekends, where he can have his own time to work on his side projects, independently. Crafting and constructing is what makes Rocky happy.

Not only work, none of his friends ever check on him anymore like they used to. Happy and Helpful to his once beloved community, now scattered away from him. Rocky may have passion for his projects, but can he last living like this forever? Depressed he felt. Miserable moments linger by his side 24/7. Restless nights flicker by like fireflies buzzing in the late evening. All Rocky wanted was someone to love on him and actually care for him, unlike his rude mates at work.

Rocky decided one night to binge on TV and came across something interesting. The town of Yoshiville was hosting an arts and crafts talent show. That got his attention fast. Rocky was pleasantly surprised they even hosted such an event, especially how dangerous the town can be with hostiles lurking around the tight spaces between blocks.

Rocky headed to sleep quickly, knowing the next day was going to be fun on a Saturday. Sign-ups were available, which gave Rocky an opportunity to wake with excitement for the first time in years.

While feeling a slight sweat of fear, Rocky wanted to benefit from the gloomy atmosphere his workers influenced upon him. This would be a chance to find a loving, cheery community again.

After walking to the Theater, Rocky trotted inside, keeping to himself. As he was minding his business, his legs trembled from social anxiety, which caused him to accidentally bump into another koopaling. "Oh, sorry, my ba-"

Rocky gasped in shock. He noticed this specific koopaling from somewhere before. He was the same koopaling that he ran into before on their way to some jockey sport. This unnerved Rocky, but he pushed through his thought and moved passed.

The koopaling sensed Rocky when putting his hand on Rocky's shoulder, and immediately questioned, "This Rocky, correct?"

Rocky anxiously begin feeling uncomfortable, sweating mad-everywhere and answered quiveringly, "How do you kno-" "You were my biggest fan, remember?" The koopaling interrupted with delight.

"Fan of what, exactly?" Rocky asks back, holding his wrist in a timid manner.

"My jockey ride!" Billy said with a salt of eager in his legs.

Then it came to Rocky. He must be... "Billy?" Billy nods confidently. "Billy the cowkoopa."

Rocky stood frozen, unbearably. Billy was also empathetic, so he went into curiosity mode, "What brought you here anyway?"

Rocky processed his thoughts together and responded with a gulp, "I wanted to join the arts and craft competition."

Billy was amazed and asked, "You know what, I'm glad you could join us here." Rocky felt relieved he wouldn't be the only familiar face in the competition.

Rocky read the sign-up sheet and read, "WITH A PARTNER!" Rocky felt embarrassed about what he walked into.

Billy smirked, leaning on his shoulder, snickered saying, "Need a partner?" Billy winks and assures Rocky he isn't in the wrong place.

Rocky felt disbelief, but he really truly wanted to participate. He doesn't want to risk boredom back at home, so he took a deep breath and made a quick decision. "I will sign up."

Rocky smiled and signed his name next to Billy's. Billy gave Rocky a hug and whispered, "If you need to talk to someone, just come to my crib; I live next door." Billy hopped himself around Rocky, giving himself a leap on Rocky's saddle. "Feels so nice."

Rocky giggled and started trotting home, sighing in pleasure. "Good to make a friend, heh?" Billy asked calmly, massaging Rocky's shoulder ride getting hard on the unique-felt saddle.

"I could just drop you off at your home...Well how did you get here?" Rocky concerned while walking past the breezy, smooth-brushing wind. "I walked here. Don't fret, my pal I once had living with me... we saved up from all the payments during my performances together to buy him a house. He's off to college, so you could be my next Horse."

Rocky giggled lightly, "maybe. Just don't use me off too much."

Billy rode Rocky, both giggling lots as the full moon appeared in the clear night sky.

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