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Freya's POV:

I'm scanning through the Grimoires I have on the table. I close my eyes and rub my temples. This is giving me a headache.

All of a sudden cuffs are placed on my wrists and three witches appear in front of me. One cuffed me and the others are looking around. Two girls, one male all in dark clothing.

"Don't worry doll. It's just business." The man says

I try and snap their necks but nothing happens.

Anti magic cuffs.

The man chuckles then orders them to put up a barrier spell. One in this room and one over the compound.

Their locking us in!

Then one of the women waves their hand and everything goes black.

Hayley POV:

I'm on my way out the door to grab more paint supplies for Hope to surprise her when she gets back from Rebekah's when I slam into an invisible wall.

What the hell?

I run my hands over the exit.


Freya didn't do this.

What the hell is going on?

"Klaus!" I yell

He rushes in.

"What is it?"
"I'm not sure but we're locked in."

He moves to the exit and tries to walk out and slams into the invisible barrier.

"Freya wouldn't do this unless we were under attack and she wouldn't do it without letting us know."

I spot three people walking down the stairs.


He turns around and spots them too.

"Don't try anything. You can't get out. Your witch is currently...indisposed." One of the women says

Klaus moves to attack and they fling him into the wall.

"We aren't here for you. This is about Lorelei."
"If you lay a finger on her I will kill you and everyone you hold dear." I growl
"We won't touch her. You see we already have their location. This plan has been being put together for a long time. We are here to keep you in while the others take care of the Tray Pack. And they are all finally in the same place in their weakest form." The man says

Klaus's POV:

I stand up.

The old members of the pack are going after Lorelei.

It's a full moon tonight.

"The wolves siding with witches now? And here I thought they had better judgement."

"They promised us something we wanted." The other girl says
"Yeah what's that?" Hayley demands
"Your daughter. She's a very powerful witch."
"You come anywhere near our daughter and I'll rip you apart." Hayley hisses, eyes turning yellow

They raise their hands and a piercing pain hits us both, sending us to the ground.

Moments later it's gone and so are they.

I help Hayley up and try the exit. Still blocked. They must've anchored the spell to the sun which means we'll be too late.


I rush to the study and try and open the door. It doesn't open. I throw myself at the door over and over, trying to knock it off its hinges.

The wood splits and I can see through the crack that Freya is lying there on the floor, chains on her wrists.

"Hope will be okay. She's with Marcel and Rebekah." Hayley says

She's trying to convince herself not to freak out.

"Please be quiet." I say

I focus, listening.

I hear a heartbeat.

Freya is still alive.

There's no way for us to get in and we can't get out without a witch.

Hayley pulls out her phone and tries to make a call then growls with frustration.

"No service." She says with a sigh

Unfortunately we don't have a choice other than waiting this out.

Klaus's Pet Book 1Where stories live. Discover now