A mistake was made

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"Hah? That's a problem for you?"

"No way, Dude I'd kill if i can spend my life like you"

"You two make more money than me and besides, I'm not the one who can afford this, so why the want to be me?!"

The three had their talk at a table in a high end restaurant.

His two friends had a full course meal.

Him, on the other hand, only bought a milkshake.

"But seriously! What made you think that? Just because the day is going like the one you aren't used to doesn't mean the world is ending "  (A)

"Hey, If ya ain't feeling well, maybe it's because of your house environment? Even though your home looked nice, It could be that" (B)

"You make it sound like I wanted a villa..." He sighed as the two looked at each other with a grin "You know who you're talking to? That shit is easy to get!"

"But in exchaaaaange~"

He immediately shook his head "You had me in the first half but no thanks" The two clicked their tongues "Dammit man! You shouldn't had said shit!"

"The hell? You're blaming me again?!?"

"Can you two not fight while eating...?"

(Y/N) made a mental note to himself, He has to find a way to get this two idiots together refilled with Brain cells

"Oh yeah, You guys heard about Fubuki-chan's stream earlier?" B leaned into the table, Causing A to nod "Mhm! Her fans said that she's plotting a collab with either one of the fantasy girls. I'm betting it's Marine!"

He slowly took a sip of his milkshake as he watched them talk "Marine-chan again? Dude, Are you sure you aren't addicted to her?"

"Addiction is lightly, Use the word 'Meant to be' just like how you use it on Ina-sama's back" 

(Y/N) thought to himself if this was something he should be taking note of? After all these two suggested the job in the first place so maybe they're talking about important information

"Hey! We don't talk about that!"

"(Y/N). I'll pay you 10k if you use a hot milf as a vtuber model"

"Your inner thoughts are leaking out..."

Both him and A looked at him, sweat dropping as he stopped talking before coughing and speaking once again, acting like nothing happened "Anyways, It'll be a good thing for you (Y/N! If she notices your stream then money will start flowing!"

"... I only have 10 subscribers..." 

"Pah! Youtube algorithm finds a way!"

"And money will also find a way!"

He stared as the two stood up and posed like maniacs "Actually, Thinking about it, Didn't you say your model finished today?" Friend A tilted his head in confusion "You must have spent a lot, I don't remember someone who can work that fast..."

"I told you, he said he had a spurt of motivation!"

"I taught him that reference" B proudly interrupted 

A Mistake was MadeWhere stories live. Discover now